My quiver is full!

I'm on my way over to the Edingtons' house to stay with the girls while Mark and Lisa and the rest of the praise team and the band rehearse Christmas music.
Yesterday Jody and Shannon and her two precious boys left after five days here.
I haven't put up a Christmas tree since Madeline died, but today I bought a table-top Christmas tree because I'll have a grandchild crawling around next Christmas!
This time last year I felt like a barren woman. Now I feel like my quiver is full!
Thank you, Lord, for Samantha and Emily and Taegan and Shea and teensy pre-born Charlie!
At 8:36 PM ,
Annette said...
Isn't it the truth? Praise you, Lord
At 10:00 PM ,
Me said...
Don't you mean your quiver is fulleth? Love ya Kathy!
At 10:05 PM ,
KathyH said...
Love you and yours, too!
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