
It was great being there--bonding with the boys, catching up with Jody, and getting to know Shannon better. The wedding video was pretty--they got married at an outdoor gazebo with little white lights, and Shannon looked so pretty in a long white gown and her hair done up. We even got to see them dance!
But I missed my friends and church, and Joe missed his friends and golf, so we're glad to be home! He was home about 5 minutes before he left for the golf course, and I'm impatiently counting the hours until our worship small group tonight.
Visiting is a blessing, being home is a blessing. It's all good.
At 9:10 PM ,
Annette said...
Amen!!! Donnie said he liked all the stages of life - liked all of them, but didn't want to change or move to any other stage than the one he was in right now!
At 10:38 AM ,
Sue Brazell said...
Welcome Home!
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