Love Notes

Tonight I want to talk a little more about my relationship with my mentees. Annette responded to yesterday's blog and said I mentored her, too, so I guess she was my first! I may have shared some lessons I'd learned with her, but she taught me what a wonderful thing friendship is, and I've never been the same.
I've loved Laura since she came to Circle of Friends. It was mostly older (as in my age) women, and I was always afraid she'd drop out before I got to know her, but she stuck with it and even became my substitute leader! I love her tender heart, and I love her affectionate nature. She kissed me the other day and didn't even notice she'd done that until I mentioned it, it was so natural to her! It's hard to imagine that not very long ago she was working in a bar and singing karaoke! I'm sure I would have loved her even then, but I'm so glad she's at FBC glorifying God with her voice and blessing my life now. I love you, Laura!
Spring and I had a connection from the beginning because she was a Lamar girl, and of course I immediately loved her voice, but I'll never forget the first time I really talked to her. I ran into her in the kitchen at church one night, and we ended up sitting down and talking for an hour or two. I told her about one of my most embarrassing moments, and she responded with so much humor and delight that soon I was laughing about it, too, something I never dreamed I'd EVER be able to do! I knew that night I wanted her and needed her in my life. Then while we were at the Worship Institute last July she told us a story about the time Jacob pulled an anthrax practical joke on her, and the way she told it cracked me up! She can tell a story like nobody I've ever heard! She's truly the funniest person I know, and when I get her and Mark together, like at lunch today, they feed off each other and keep me in stitches! She's a pure delight in my life, and she brings sunshine to my soul every time we talk. On the last night of the Worship Institute, I made a real commitment to her, a promise to support her in her role as a worship leader, and I take that very seriously. It's a bonus that she gives back so much joy to me!
As for Lisa, I'm going to reprint here parts of a couple of letters I've written to her in the past. Lisa, you have put so much fun into my life! I love your warmness, your sense of humor, and how you have opened your home to me. I feel honored that I have my own key and can come and go as I please. And I am so glad that we’ve been able to exercise together some, and how your walking has inspired me to get my own Nikes and start running again! You’re an awesome mother, the best mother I’ve ever seen, and watching you interact with your girls really blesses me and makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside! I remember how scared I was when I gave you that “Friendships of Women” book. I was so afraid of rejection, and I knew it would crush me if you didn’t respond to it—but then I got a wonderful email from you and was beside myself with joy to know you were willing to enter into a friendship with me, too! You said you had wanted a mentor, and I’ve taken that very seriously. I could write a book about what Lisa means to me, but she already knows it.
As for Lisa, I'm going to reprint here parts of a couple of letters I've written to her in the past. Lisa, you have put so much fun into my life! I love your warmness, your sense of humor, and how you have opened your home to me. I feel honored that I have my own key and can come and go as I please. And I am so glad that we’ve been able to exercise together some, and how your walking has inspired me to get my own Nikes and start running again! You’re an awesome mother, the best mother I’ve ever seen, and watching you interact with your girls really blesses me and makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside! I remember how scared I was when I gave you that “Friendships of Women” book. I was so afraid of rejection, and I knew it would crush me if you didn’t respond to it—but then I got a wonderful email from you and was beside myself with joy to know you were willing to enter into a friendship with me, too! You said you had wanted a mentor, and I’ve taken that very seriously. I could write a book about what Lisa means to me, but she already knows it.
And now for my newest mentee, Stephanie. It was weird how quickly we bonded, don't you think? For me it happened the first night I met you. I can't for the life of me remember why I was even in Mark's office the night you walked in, but he invited me to stay so I did. You were auditioning to be on the praise team that night, remember? That night the Spirit of God nudged me pretty hard. That doesn't happen often so it really got my attention! As an act of his sovereign will, he poured love for you into my heart, and I knew right then that you were going to be a special part of my life. And so you are.
Sometimes I think to myself, why would these cute young thangs (I stole that phrase from Beth Moore) want to be friends with an old fart (Joe's phrase) like me? Then I remember that God delights in doing the unexpected, and I just worship him for his amazing creativity in doing such a cool and unusual thing!
I would love to add a paragraph in here about Mark, who has also graciously called me HIS mentor (to my great shock), but it would embarrass him so I won't, and anyway, he already knows what a wonderful gift of God he is to me. Long story short, he has changed my life, and it really needed changing! I couldn't have loved my other four mentees like I do if Mark hadn't first ministered God's healing to my frozen heart...Umm, I guess that WAS a paragraph. (Warts and all, Mark, warts and all!!)
I can't wait until we go back to the Worship Institute this summer because all six of us will be together for 5 days and 4 nights! Woohoo!
At 9:23 PM ,
laurajo said...
I spent the day at home because I was not feeling well. But it gave me a chance to read the booklet that you gave us last night about friendship baskets. I really needed that. Thank you. I don't know if you know how special you make me feel. Last night, when I thanked you for supper, you told me I was worth it. That almost made me cry. I don't get told that very often, and I do less for you than I do for the people who never bother tell me. So, thank you, thank you, thank you. I love you so much.
At 9:37 PM ,
KathyH said...
I'm glad I made you feel special, because that was my whole reason for having the dinner. I'm so happy to hear that it worked!
I hope God gives me lots of other chances to remind you of your worth.
The IWI will rock!!!!
At 12:34 AM ,
Annette said...
oh, man - I'm glad I have something exciting in my life coming up or I would be SO JEALOUS of you guys going to IWI without me. I am soooo thankful I got to go last year, tho. I'll be thinking of you guys and praying for you all. Gee, this feels like a bit of heaven....
At 10:00 AM ,
Stephanie Marshall said...
Okay, I'm now a slobbering mess!ha
The love we all have for each other and you Kathy makes my heart swell! Thats really what it feels like. Its getting bigger and bigger the more I know you and have you in my life. And the more I know know the "girlfriend group".
Okay-gotta go fix my make-up-lol
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