Thoughts on Fasting (Not Mine)

Today I'm going to just give you a few snippets of what Mike Bickle says about fasting from his David book ("After God's Own Heart"), ok?
Regardless of what you might think, fasting is exhilarating. Fasting has very powerful rewards that are primarily internal, aimed at the human heart.
As we pursue the Lord by the grace of God through the Bridegroom fast, our physical appetites, emotional appetites, and spiritual appetites change dramatically. In a word, we gain more desire. He imparts new desires of delight to us so that fasting is not drudgery but an indescribable privilege because it brings us closer to Him and His delight for us.
There is a pleasure in fasting--and many rewards. You can very quickly grow to love fasting. You actually lament interruptions that prevent you from continuing in it for a time. I get into the rhythm of the kind of fasting I have engaged in for the last couple of years, and when something interrupts, I never think, Good, I can take a break. Where's the all-you-can-eat buffet? Just the opposite--I want to return to fasting as quickly as God will allow.
You will find that the hunger to experience God begins to dominate your life. It's a strange paradox that we actually hunger to fast. I believe it is going to be a common experience to love fasting. It will take some time, but in the long run this is how the body of Christ will choose to live.
I may post more snippets tomorrow, so come back--or not! You might not be any more interested in this subject than I was when I read the book the first time!
At 8:56 AM ,
Annette said...
Ok, I had time to fiddle with this and I'm back!!! I love these "teachings"!!!!!
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