Uzzah and the ox cart
Back to Mark Buchanan's book, "Your God Is Too Safe," he talks about the time in 2 Sam. 6 when David brings the ark to Jerusalem--
And as it comes, David dances. His dance is a kinetic outburst of sheer joy. It is a pantomime of trust and surrender.
But things go tragically awry. There's an accident: An ox stumbles, a cart lurches, the ark of the covenant totters, slides, threatens to tumble to the ground. Uzzah the priest is right there, though...when the moment of crisis comes, Uzzah is prepared, saving the day.
God smote him dead. Why? Uzzah simply tried to keep the ark from tumbling to the ground.
This is why:
Uzzah's idea of carrying the ark on an oxcart was in clear breach of divine command. He forgets the one thing needed: worship. This is supposed to be about worship.
Uzzah teaches us, at great personal cost, a valuable lesson about God. God is not safe. God is not a household diety, kept in our safekeeping. And--be warned--God's safety is not our business.
The safest thing to do with a God like this is not to play it safe with him. It is never to get so caught up in keeping the traditions or hastening the innovations that we forget to throw ourselves headlong into His brusque and tender embrace. It is to never get so busy protecting God that we fail to take refuge in him. It is to never become so preoccupied in our Keep God Safe march that we forget to dance before our God with all our might...tripping the light fantastic all the way into the holy wild.
I wanna dance!!! Is anybody with me??
And as it comes, David dances. His dance is a kinetic outburst of sheer joy. It is a pantomime of trust and surrender.
But things go tragically awry. There's an accident: An ox stumbles, a cart lurches, the ark of the covenant totters, slides, threatens to tumble to the ground. Uzzah the priest is right there, though...when the moment of crisis comes, Uzzah is prepared, saving the day.
God smote him dead. Why? Uzzah simply tried to keep the ark from tumbling to the ground.
This is why:
Uzzah's idea of carrying the ark on an oxcart was in clear breach of divine command. He forgets the one thing needed: worship. This is supposed to be about worship.
Uzzah teaches us, at great personal cost, a valuable lesson about God. God is not safe. God is not a household diety, kept in our safekeeping. And--be warned--God's safety is not our business.
The safest thing to do with a God like this is not to play it safe with him. It is never to get so caught up in keeping the traditions or hastening the innovations that we forget to throw ourselves headlong into His brusque and tender embrace. It is to never get so busy protecting God that we fail to take refuge in him. It is to never become so preoccupied in our Keep God Safe march that we forget to dance before our God with all our might...tripping the light fantastic all the way into the holy wild.
I wanna dance!!! Is anybody with me??
At 11:21 PM ,
Anonymous said...
So into the dance!!! I'll dance with you anytime Kathy!!! And be praisin' the Lord the whole time. Love ya!!
At 11:35 PM ,
Michelle said...
David was also naked...anyone for naked worship dancing???
At 12:57 AM ,
Michelle said...
In Exodus God had specifically spelled out the way the Ark was to be transported. I also think it was about lack of revering the Lord. God Almighty riding on an ox cart? Somehow that just doesn't compute. (aside from the previous comment I made...)
At 1:00 AM ,
Annette said...
I love dancing - ya'll keep praying for me at VBS - I'm into Day 3 out of Day 6 - I AM dancing, and my feet are hurting - love ya - and I've got to meet you two girls when I come for NOW - love, Annette
At 9:25 AM ,
KathyH said...
Yeah, or as we would say in Arkansas, David was BUTT NEKKID!
Maybe Mark will do that sometime.
I enjoy embarrassing Mark sometimes. But I only do it out of great love and affection, and he'll let me know when I've crossed a line! (I expect to hear from him about this. Should I just go ahead and apologize in advance?)
At 9:29 PM ,
KathyH said...
Yeah, I can just see ME doing that! People would be breaking the doors down--leaving! Ha!
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