Thank God for FRIENDS!

I temporarily lost it when I found out I had a teensy-tiny grandbaby. I knew it would be a high-risk pregnancy, and I was so scared! I went straight to an excellent counselor on staff at FBC (Mark!), and he spoke wise words and prayed with me, pouring all kinds of hope and peace into me.
Also Annette emailed and reminded me of my experience in the Garden of Gethsemene when we were in Israel in March. I really felt like God promised me that I had experienced 7 hard years (like the famine in the Joseph story), but now I was going to have 7 good years.
Then Spring came along and reminded me of a scripture from 2 Kings which seemed to be confirmed in a prophecy session at the Worship Institute in July: "About this time next year you will hold a son in your arms." (Yeah, I know that's freaky. It freaks me out--in a GOOD way--every time I think about it!)
Then I remembered at the Beth Moore Conference in June how Beth and also two friends, Sandy Burkett and Margaret Griggs, prayed this blessing over me: "May the Lord make you increase, both you and your children" (from Psa. 115).
Coincidence? I don't think so. Will I be crushed if I'm wrong? Probably. Will I still love God? Of course! But I digress.
There's a children's book about a little girl whose grandmother has Alzheimer's, and the name of it is, "If I Forget, You Remember." Tonight I'm grateful for friends who remember things I forget!
At 1:38 PM ,
Spring said...
That is too awesome, Kathy! I don't think Godincedences happen for nothin', I am excited to see this unfold!
At 1:17 PM ,
Annette said...
wow - that is so beautiful - It seems like God gave you so many reminders that He's good and loves you - Isn't is awesome that He loves us so much? I am excited to see how this unfolds, also!
At 1:20 PM ,
KathyH said...
Yeah, I'm pretty blown away by the lengths He went to in order to give me peace.
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