Amazing News
I found out today that I have a teensy-tiny grandbaby in Denver! Very tiny, like 2 or 3 weeks along. The mommy has had miscarriages before and that scares me a lot. Please pray, friends! My emotions are all over the place!Correction! I just found out the baby is 2 MONTHS along! Woohoo!
At 11:28 PM ,
Anonymous said...
oh my goodness!!! How exciting, and how frightening, but just remember that God knows this little angel before he was even formed, and that God is in control. I'll be praying fervently!!!!
At 9:08 AM ,
KathyH said...
Thanks, Julie. It's pretty scary, but that's the third time I've heard that word! Mark prayed with me yesterday and said God was in control, and my whole Beth Moore study this morning was on God's sovereignty, and now you've said it, too!
I think I'm getting it!!
At 12:58 PM ,
Spring said...
Oh, Kathy! I am so excited for you. Count me in! I'll be a prayer warrior for your little baby.
At 1:04 PM ,
Spring said...
I am just so happy for you!!!!!!! Am I praying for Shannon? Or is that private info?
At 1:07 PM ,
KathyH said...
Yes, her name is Shannon. Thanks for praying!
At 4:07 PM ,
Michelle said...
Congratulations! What a great blessing!
At 11:17 PM ,
Annette said...
Yea!!!! I'm in!!! Ya'll don't know me as well as Kathy, but please pray for me, I am driving my grandsons to Georgia to join their dad, because he joined the Army - it will be a sad day - I have had them around for almost 4 years! Wow - change can be hard and I WANT HEAVEN NOW!!!! (too bad)
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