Different parts and different hearts

Why do we all have different passions? So everything that’s supposed to get done will get done, John Fischer says. I quote:
Sometimes we feel guilt because we don’t have the same passion as the last person who talked about missions, or abortion, or the homeless, or marriage, or singleness, or men’s ministry, or AIDS prevention, or prisons, or evangelism, or the military.
What we forget is that there are so many needs because there are so many of us to meet them. We are a body made up of different parts and different hearts; we don’t have to all be moved by the same issues and needs.
This is where the concept and the practical nature of spiritual gifts come in. There are a variety of gifts and there are a variety of ministries, but the same Lord working in all and through all. No one has to do everything; no one can.
It is up to us to find out where we fit and what God put us here to do. Soon you will be just as passionate about something because it’s your thing. This is the way it’s supposed to be. We only get frustrated when we forget this and try and take on everything or get so overwhelmed that we take on nothing at all.
All of this should just make us marvel at the wisdom of God even more. He’s designed us all with different abilities and different interests so that we are not only good at what we do, we do not have to be frustrated or depressed over what we aren’t good at.
I really liked this, because there are some things I WISH I wanted to do, but I just plain DON'T, and no matter how hard I try, I can't muster up the desire! I don't want to work at the Pregnancy Help Center, I don't want to go to Africa, I don't want to visit all the people at Heritage, and I don't want to work in a classroom of AWANA kids. I'm very glad others DO, and I'll support them in ways I CAN, but I don't feel drawn to those things, and in fact, just the thought of doing them makes me feel a little depressed!
But there are other things I love to do! I love praying for and encouraging my spiritual leaders, mentoring my young women friends, sending out cards to absentee choir members and AWANA kids, supporting the Creative Arts ministry however I can, and babysitting to free up Mark and Lisa as THEY minister.
So maybe it's just false guilt that creeps up on me. I told someone recently that the NEED isn't the same as the CALLING, and I really believe that. I wonder why it's so hard for me to walk in what I know is true?
At 10:25 AM ,
Annette said...
I read this earlier and I am so glad you put it up here - it sort of explains what God has done with Donnie and I. There are lots of other, different and even maybe more exciting ministries to be involved in than rural country Methodist churches. But, in God's wisdom, that's what He's given us a passion for. Somehow, in His ways, it just fits us. It's so neat for me to finally see and accept this calling, rejoice and run with it - and I can also rejoice with whatever other ministries that God is using! Love you
At 12:06 PM ,
Stephanie Marshall said...
I've always wondered what God put ME here to do. I still haven't quite figured it all out but I feel like I am getting closer to it everday. I can say he is working in me-I do know that. I also know he put people like you here for me!
At 4:26 PM ,
KathyH said...
I'm blessed to see how you have embraced your calling, Annette. It might not be exciting, but then again, you always manage to go find some excitement somewhere when you need it! I wonder when you'll ever slow down...
Stephanie, to be a good mother and wife is a tremendous calling. To show your family, friends and coworkers that Jesus is so real that he's transforming your life is an awesome thing. In my opinion, and this may just be me but I wish someone had told me this when I was your age and burning out from doing everything in church, you don't need to find a ministry when you have so many people to minister to in your everyday life. That was a very long sentence, wasn't it? Ha!
At 5:01 PM ,
Annette said...
I really agree with what you told Stephanie - raising my four kids and being a blessing to Donnie was definitely my First Calling. I'm interested in why you feel guilty. It seems all the stuff you're doing is awesome and you could rest content and not have to feel like you have to do the things you don't like. In my life, God has allowed me to do some things to stretch me that I may not love at first, but I think that's what I'm excited about now in my new calling. I can do this stuff - I like to do this stuff -
At 5:13 PM ,
KathyH said...
I don't know why I feel guilty. I guess because I know they are important things and I want very much for others to keep doing them, so I feel like a hypocrite for wanting it but not being willing to help. But I burned out years ago doing things God hadn't called me to do, so I'm pretty careful to be sure before I say yes.
At 7:50 PM ,
Annette said...
Well, I think that is good - all except the guilty part! Actually, that part has me a little worried about my new calling. What if "they" people in my church want me to be involved in things I don't like, say UMW - and I really don't feel like God wants me to be involved. I am going to have to learn how to communicate that sincerly without sounding hokey - I guess I see your dilemma. Gee, it would be cool to be totally free to only do what we feel God is calling us, too. But, then, we're also infallible and probably need the dialogue and input from other Christian brothers and sisters, too. Whew!
At 8:46 PM ,
KathyH said...
I just read this from Psa. 63 in The Message--
"I'm free to run and play. I hold on to you for dear life, and you hold me steady as a post."
If we're holding on to God for dear life, we can be free! I know how quickly you cry out to God for wisdom. You'll do fine.
Besides, you could make UMW totally cool, you know!
At 10:05 PM ,
Annette said...
Wow - thanks for the awesome word and encouragement!
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