State of the Body Address

If you haven't heard, I got my new toy last Saturday! I found the Nikes on sale for only $79.99! Of course, the computer chip was another $30. Thank God for Valentine’s Day! (That was my excuse for buying them!)
Lisa and I hit the roads last Saturday morning, both listening to our own music on our Nanos! She walks fast (she’s 25 years younger than I am) and I jog slow (I’m 57, short-legged, and of course, overweight), and it works out perfectly! We wogged 45 minutes, which was 3.27 miles, at a 13:50 minutes per mile pace, and burned off 422 calories.
The next day I wogged 45 minutes by myself on our church track: 3.42 miles at a 13:20 mpm pace.
The third day Lisa and I wogged 2.54 miles in 30 minutes, at an 11:53 mpm pace. (She did 45 min., but I left to pick up Samantha.)
The fourth day I had a big blister, which I popped and drained 3 times and sprayed with Tuff-Skin a lot.
The fifth day I was in Russellville for BSF anyway, so I ran 30 minutes by myself nonstop around the perimeter of Tucker Coliseum at a 12:16 mpm pace. (When I don't do any walking at all, I call it running.) The blister hurt!
The sixth day Juanita and Sandy and I hauled 13 boxes from the church to another location, and on the seventh day I almost rested. (Just moved the last three boxes.)
Lisa and I hit the roads last Saturday morning, both listening to our own music on our Nanos! She walks fast (she’s 25 years younger than I am) and I jog slow (I’m 57, short-legged, and of course, overweight), and it works out perfectly! We wogged 45 minutes, which was 3.27 miles, at a 13:50 minutes per mile pace, and burned off 422 calories.
The next day I wogged 45 minutes by myself on our church track: 3.42 miles at a 13:20 mpm pace.
The third day Lisa and I wogged 2.54 miles in 30 minutes, at an 11:53 mpm pace. (She did 45 min., but I left to pick up Samantha.)
The fourth day I had a big blister, which I popped and drained 3 times and sprayed with Tuff-Skin a lot.
The fifth day I was in Russellville for BSF anyway, so I ran 30 minutes by myself nonstop around the perimeter of Tucker Coliseum at a 12:16 mpm pace. (When I don't do any walking at all, I call it running.) The blister hurt!
The sixth day Juanita and Sandy and I hauled 13 boxes from the church to another location, and on the seventh day I almost rested. (Just moved the last three boxes.)
The eighth day (yesterday) Ginger and I shopped in Conway for maternity clothes! Woohoo!
I plan to resume running this afternoon! I know that to a “real runner” my 11:53 PR pace is laughable, but hey, it’s a start! I plan to run a 4 mile race in July, so I’ll get a lot faster by then.
As for my weight, I lost .6, which puts me at a new low!
As for my eating, I’m afraid I’ve lost the “pink cloud abstinence,” as they say in Overeaters Anonymous, or perhaps the “soaring on wings like eagles above the struggle” in Bible terminology. I’m listening to the audiotape of Beth Moore’s new book, “Get Out of That Pit” and I’m hoping it’ll help me get back on track. I may need to adopt a plan, but I don’t know WHAT plan. I need to do some serious praying about it. When I lost weight so well in Nov. and Dec., I didn’t really follow a structured plan. Other than not eating sugar (which I’m still doing pretty well), I just trusted God to lead me moment by moment. I’m not stopping and listening to his voice very well anymore...
At 10:45 AM ,
Annette said...
Hey, I am proud of you for keeping on keeping on! Is that audiotape of Beth Moore's yours? If so, I want to borrow it - I don't really have any extra time to read, but I could listen!!! It should help, also, to get some better weather, huh?
At 2:11 PM ,
KathyH said...
Yes, I bought the audiobook, and yes, you can get it when you come.
Weather doesn't really affect my running since I have indoor places to run in.
I do think it's a psychological thing to want to eat more in the winter, though.
Dr. Nick says not eat to store up food because "the time of great famine" is not going to come! Ha!
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