Living Sacrifices

We talked about being living sacrifices in our PULSE small group last night, which reminded me that Annette asked me to share anything I've heard or read about that. So this is for you, Annette! I know you and your hubby and son are at an Emmaus Walk right now, but you always catch up eventually!
Since I'm going to talk about being a living sacrifice (which means, in part, taking care of my body and not giving in to laziness), let me give you my running update! I went to Bona Dea early yesterday morning, and it was wonderful! I saw a deer and all kinds of other wildlife, and I ran my 45 minutes in a PR time!
Then late this afternoon I went to Paris for the running clinic. (I stopped by Laura's house on the way--wow! She's an amazing decorator like Lisa--awesome things everywhere you look!) I ran with some better-trained runners, and we were FAST WOMEN!! I wish I had used my chip, because I'd love to know my pace!
OK, back to living sacrifices. I’ve been reading a lot in the Old Testament lately about the animal sacrifices the Israelites had to make under the old covenant. It sounds really strange and bloody and gross, and I’m so glad we’re under the new covenant of grace.
Now our bodies are to be living sacrifices, as Mark often quotes (I think Rom. 12:1 is his life verse). LaMar reminded us that, of course, it’s the heart attitude that makes the actions of our bodies (he was talking about things like praise, singing, praying, preaching, lifting of hands, etc.) truly spiritual.
Romans 12:1-2 was what we studied in Bible Study Fellowship two or three weeks ago! My notes are brief, so may seem like I'm just giving you "sound bites." Hmm, come to think of it, I guess that's exactly what I'll be doing! You could camp on any one of these statements for a month. Anyway, here goes...
*The best that life has to offer is God's will, living sacrificially for him.
*Question: What part of your life are you refusing to surrender, and how are you sacrificing God's best for what you now THINK is best?
*Present your bodies, everything you say and do (including your emotions!) to be consumed by the fire of God.
*The Old Testament offerings were HOLY sacrifices. They sacrificed THE BEST as an offering to God. Am I giving him MY best?
*Psalm 51 says that the sacrifices God wants are "a pure heart and a steadfast spirit."
*We need to get our personal holiness right before we try to serve.
*Anytime we offer ourselves, it is a sweet fragrance to God. Once the bottle of perfume (our life) is broken, it smells good to him, never overpowering.
*It is a "spiritual act of worship." We're priests of God--we offer the sacrifice of ourselves. "Spiritual" means logical (from the word "logos"). It's our reasonable or logical service. The only logical response to God's mercy is to offer our entire life to him.
*The decision has to be made daily--"Fill me up with yourself."
*Do you exclude anything from what you give him? God says, "Give me what you're holding back." We may call something a "habit," but it's really a sin.
*What consumes me instead of God?
* The lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh, and the pride of life (I Jn.2:16) are part of the world. We still have the "cravings of sinful man" if our body isn't sacrificed.
*The Holy Spirit has to do it FOR us, but we have to consciously OBEY him.
*The world worships self. We must change our thinking to worship God. It's a complete change for the better!
*Dr. Pepper commercial: "I want it all! I want it now!" No!! It's not about ME, but GOD!
*Dr. Pepper commercial: "I want it all! I want it now!" No!! It's not about ME, but GOD!
*The Holy Spirit needs my cooperation to transform me.
*He changes us through the Word. We begin to think like Jesus thinks.
*Are we going to quit justifying sin OR sacrifice it?
*JUST DO IT, depending on God's enabling.
*Every time we resist temptation, we're consumed more by a holy God.
*God wants to radiate the his glory through us, to transform us. The word "transform" is "metamorphosis," a change in our thoughts, a change from the inside out.
*Only when our thinking changes will our lives be transformed. When tempted, think Christ's thoughts.
*Take the time when God has convicted you to immerse yourself in the Word.
*What consequences am I experiencing from lack of sacrifice?
*This is the BEST life has to offer and there will be sweet results because his will is good and perfect and pleasing.
*It will meet all your needs. It's BEST to renew your mind and be consumed by God.
*He knows what is best for my life.
*Will I place myself on his altar?
*Becoming a living sacrifice results in finding the BEST OF LIFE!
*What priority is being a living sacrifice to me? When I refuse to sacrifice, I refuse the best life! I'm missing the radiance of God in my life.
One more thing--In the BSF opening, we heard a great song sung by Travis Cottrell called "2000 Years"--
If I could see 2000 years ago
Travel back in time
And walk in the day
When just one man
Turned the world upside down
If I could be
A guest at the wedding
And taste the wine
That was water moments before
Would I realize what was really in store
That there would be so much more
Would I fall down and worship
Leave all that I treasured behind
For a chance to be closer
To the man who might
Be the One who saves my life
If I hear His voice
Call to Lazarus
Stand and stare as my friend stumbles
Out of the tomb
Or witness blind men
See their first morning sky
Would I believe what He says to be true
If I was there the night
Soldiers took Him away
Would I flee the scene
Like most of His friends
Then watch on the cross
What I thought was the end
What would I do then
And what would it be like
After three days gone by
Would I believe what they said
Or wanna see with my own eyes
Put my hand on the scars
Only then realize
My Lord, my God, alive
WILL I fall down and worship
Leave all that I treasure behind
For a chance to be closer
'Cause He is still alive
And the One who saves my life
And that, my bloggerbuddies, is the question. WILL WE?
At 9:14 AM ,
Annette said...
Whoa - that is some amazing stuff!!! Is there a way a person can print a blog? I will have to ask Donnie - Wow - thanks so much!!!
At 4:50 PM ,
KathyH said...
You can cut and paste it, if you know how to do that.
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