For My Busy Girlfriends

Living a balanced life by Katie Brazelton
Life moves swiftly and we run frantically to keep up with it. Just the other day, a friend laughed at me for trying to lift a three-pound weight to exercise my arms, while I was blow drying my hair. I was shocked at her reaction. Doesn't everyone multi-task like that? I didn't dare tell her that I actually answer a few e-mails every time she calls and stays on the phone too long! Such constant motion indicates that we may not be pausing enough to regularly examine our lives or ask ourselves how our lives mirror what God desires for us. Today, I challenge you to pause and evaluate your life's pace. Are you exhausted by expectations or thriving in your purpose? Let's take a look at two extreme types of women that you and I have either met or may have even become ourselves!
The worn-out woman
One busy mother talked about her general fatigue this way, "I am a wife and mother of three children. I work a full-time job, volunteer at school and church, and am lucky to sleep four hours a night. I have no time for exercise, spending alone time with God, or connecting with friends. I'm the picture of the worn-out woman."
What about you? Are you becoming a worn-out woman, constantly on the go and living life at a fast, unhealthy pace? A woman trapped in this lifestyle may take little time to care for herself or spend quality time with family and friends. She lives to mark things off her calendar, is under constant stress, and has a difficult time enjoying her life. Her relationship with God may be less than desirable. Oh, dear. that doesn't sound like such a great option.
The thriving woman
In Proverbs 31, we find an entirely different type of woman. I actually cried once about my huge inadequacy (in comparison to her) when I heard a Bible class message about this gal. This woman is near perfect! She is busy, but remains balanced. She is wise, moral, and God-fearing. She is a virtuous wife and mother, a resourceful entrepreneur, and a friend to the poor.
What about you? Are you a thriving woman who lives life at a healthy pace and is growing daily in her relationship with God? This heroine spends quality time with family and friends. She takes care of herself by eating healthy and exercising regularly. She enjoys her life. Who do you identify with more, the worn-out woman or the thriving woman?
We are not super women. We cannot do everything or be all things to all people. We each have 24 hours or 1,440 minutes in our day . that's it! We must carefully manage the time that God has entrusted to us. The thriving woman uses this entrusted time to be balanced in the core areas of her life. For most women, the three hardest areas to balance - spiritual, physical, and social - are also the key areas to a thriving life.
Did you know that Jesus wants to have a personal relationship with you as both your Savior and Lord of all? We are not supposed to spend time with God out of a crushing obligation, but because God longs to know us intimately and for us to know him. He wants us to rely on him for our every need and to give us the strength we need to face every new day. Matthew 11:28-30 says:
"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me - watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly." (from The Message)
The worn-out woman
One busy mother talked about her general fatigue this way, "I am a wife and mother of three children. I work a full-time job, volunteer at school and church, and am lucky to sleep four hours a night. I have no time for exercise, spending alone time with God, or connecting with friends. I'm the picture of the worn-out woman."
What about you? Are you becoming a worn-out woman, constantly on the go and living life at a fast, unhealthy pace? A woman trapped in this lifestyle may take little time to care for herself or spend quality time with family and friends. She lives to mark things off her calendar, is under constant stress, and has a difficult time enjoying her life. Her relationship with God may be less than desirable. Oh, dear. that doesn't sound like such a great option.
The thriving woman
In Proverbs 31, we find an entirely different type of woman. I actually cried once about my huge inadequacy (in comparison to her) when I heard a Bible class message about this gal. This woman is near perfect! She is busy, but remains balanced. She is wise, moral, and God-fearing. She is a virtuous wife and mother, a resourceful entrepreneur, and a friend to the poor.
What about you? Are you a thriving woman who lives life at a healthy pace and is growing daily in her relationship with God? This heroine spends quality time with family and friends. She takes care of herself by eating healthy and exercising regularly. She enjoys her life. Who do you identify with more, the worn-out woman or the thriving woman?
We are not super women. We cannot do everything or be all things to all people. We each have 24 hours or 1,440 minutes in our day . that's it! We must carefully manage the time that God has entrusted to us. The thriving woman uses this entrusted time to be balanced in the core areas of her life. For most women, the three hardest areas to balance - spiritual, physical, and social - are also the key areas to a thriving life.
Did you know that Jesus wants to have a personal relationship with you as both your Savior and Lord of all? We are not supposed to spend time with God out of a crushing obligation, but because God longs to know us intimately and for us to know him. He wants us to rely on him for our every need and to give us the strength we need to face every new day. Matthew 11:28-30 says:
"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me - watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly." (from The Message)
God waits patiently to remove our burdens and give us joy-filled lives. He wants us to come to him. The spiritual component of our lives can include numerous disciplines and activities: Bible reading, prayer, quiet time, fasting, solitude, memorizing Scripture, journaling, and worship. 1 Timothy 4:8 says:
"Exercise daily in God--no spiritual flabbiness, please! Workouts in the gymnasium are useful, but a disciplined life in God is far more so, making you fit both today and forever." (Also from The Message!)
How are you doing spiritually? Are you staying fit in God?
"Exercise daily in God--no spiritual flabbiness, please! Workouts in the gymnasium are useful, but a disciplined life in God is far more so, making you fit both today and forever." (Also from The Message!)
How are you doing spiritually? Are you staying fit in God?
Take a spiritual step: Make a daily appointment with God. This quality time is essential to becoming a balanced, thriving woman. As you prioritize the spiritual facet of your life, you will discover that the other core areas of your life become easier to balance. What discipline do you need to incorporate in your life to grow spiritually?
1 Corinthians 3:16 says: "You realize, don't you, that you are the temple of God, and God himself is present in you?" (MSG) How well are you managing the temple God has given you? Staying physically fit unlocks energy to maintain a positive outlook and boosts your stamina. Consequently, you can keep up with all that demands your time and attention.
Take a physical step: Do you eat healthy? Exercise regularly? Get enough sleep for your body? Go to the doctor for annual visits? What changes do you need to make to become healthier physically?
Women are often involved in an abundance of social roles, such as responsibilities with family members, friends, co-workers, etc. However, there are two roles that busy women are likely to abandon: relationships with friends and taking time for self. Ecclesiastes 4:12 says:
"By yourself you're unprotected. With a friend you can face the worst. Can you round up a third? A three-stranded rope isn't easily snapped." (Again, from The Message!)
Who are the women that hold you accountable and encourage, support, and challenge you? Cherish these friends who God has given you. Nourish these relationships with your time and attention.
Take a social step: How can you begin investing and building your relationships?
As women, we often care for others but leave little time to care for ourselves. Some women mistakenly think that it is selfish to care for themselves. Others just cannot find the time. We must take time for ourselves. This one change alone helps us transform from worn-out to thriving. If you're having trouble finding time for this, start small - perhaps just five minutes a day.
Take a step: How can you begin taking care of yourself today? Here are a few examples to help you relax: Read a fun book, take a bubble bath, watch a movie, take a class, knit a scarf, or take a nap. A balanced, thriving woman must take time for herself. Value yourself.
As you begin taking steps to become a thriving woman, consider setting a few goals on how to achieve this, such as learning a new spiritual discipline, walking for exercise, finding free time for yourself, or setting up a Dreamers' Lunch Bunch with your favorite girlfriends. As you begin taking steps, ask God to mold you into a balanced and thriving woman. He will honor your prayer and your desire.
At 9:07 AM ,
Stephanie Marshall said...
Great article! I would be a thriving worn out woman thriving to be more thriving!
I'm taking a girls weekend at a cabin with my sorority sisters this weekend. I can't wait to have fellowship with the girls, nature, rest, relaxation, food and GOD!
At 9:35 AM ,
KathyH said...
Good for you, Steph! We all need to get away sometimes.
Next month I'm going to Branson with the church ladies one weekend, and then spending the NEXT weekend with my sister and cousins in Cotter.
I'm also spending Easter with my daughter, which is cool because I've only seen her pregnant ONCE. I'm not sure how I'll work out the details with choir singing. God will have to show me!
At 10:05 AM ,
Stephanie Marshall said...
Thats Great, Kathy I hope you enjoy yourself-you deserve it girl. Yes, its hard to go out of town on weekends when you are committed to church. I always feel guilty. But, God understands especailly when it comes to seeing your baby with baby. I'm sure God will show you.
At 2:42 PM ,
KathyH said...
I'm not worried about God understanding. I'm worried about Mark understanding! Ha!
At 4:07 PM ,
Spring said...
I agree, great article. I feel like I'm thriving most of the time with a splash of worn out from time to time. That balancing act is definately the key here. I wig out when I loose my balance, as you well know. Ha! And, hey, I think ANYBODY would understand you spending time with your daughter when she comes in for Easter. I don't think you have anything to worry about.
At 12:49 AM ,
Annette said...
Hi, I missed this blog because it didn't show up on Google - it's great and I love the article - I really fit the thrive woman, but I'm surprised how sometimes other people seem irritated with me because I do take time for myself. - Oh, well, too bad, so sad - I'm in this thing for the long run!!!
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