Some random thoughts

Good morning, sunshine! Joe said it rained in town when I was running this morning, but we didn't have a drop out here. I really enjoy my early morning runs. Joe drives me to Lamar when he goes to Hardees, and on the way I throw out a bottle of water across from Ashley Morgan's house so I can hydrate on the way home, a concession to the warmer weather. This morning I felt strong, and I cut my time down to its lowest in over two weeks. I plan to do it tomorrow, which will be 5 times this week.
I should be losing weight, but I'm not because I'm doing some emotional eating. It's crazy, but the closer we get to leaving for Denver for Charlie's birth next Friday, the more scared I get. I would think I was losing my mind except I remember reading in one of my grief books that it's a pretty common emotion. See, as long as the baby is in the womb, it's safe there, but after it's born, we find out if it's really ok or if we're facing hard things like before. Anyway, I could use some prayers for God's peace to replace my fears.
I was telling yesterday how Spring and Mark feed off each other and keep me cracked up. Yesterday after a meeting we had about a recovery service we'd like to start, Joe met us for lunch (Lisa was at a luncheon at Becky's) and I asked him if he had mopped with the new Swifter we got. A little thing like that, and Mark and Spring are off and running! One said, "Is that anything like a Swiffer?" and the other one said, "Yeah, it's the generic brand from Wal-Mart!"
Then as we drove back to the church we saw a class walking over to the assembly, and we thought we saw Samantha. When we realized it wasn't, Mark said (not where she could hear, of course) "Hey, little girl, ya want some candy?"
Lisa is just as funny, too, and I suspect Ashley Morgan is, too, so I can't wait to be around all of them at the Worship Institute! It'll be like a Saturday Night Live sketch the whole time!
Here's an example of Ashley's humor--After church one time I overheard someone asking her what they were going to do with their little girl when they went skiing over spring break. She said, "Oh, we thought we'd just leave some extra food and water and put out lots of newspapers!"
My kids are funny like that, too, and I love it when Jody and Ginger and Todd get going. I may not be quick enough to say funny things, but I have a great appreciation for humor! I can even usually think of a funny retort...unfortunately it's not until the next day!
At 7:42 PM ,
Spring said...
We are praying for you Kathy!
Don't worry. As you hang around us, the sarcastic remarks will just begin to flow from you like second nature.
Love ya!
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