
I couldn't go with the group we commissioned today because I knew it was God's will for me to go to the worship institute, and I couldn't go off and leave Joe twice in one month. So I was safe this summer.
But I'm really tired of fighting this thing. It was ok when Robert or someone would make some stirring appeal. I could respond to it initially but later rationalize that perhaps I had been just caught up in the emotion of it.
But now I feel a pull toward it ALL of the time. I don't know how YOU know when God is speaking to YOU, bloggerbuddies, but in MY case I usually know because it comes as a totally foreign idea and it's often somewhat of a shock.
Here is what I've got in my computer journal about it so far--
“There they were, overwhelmed with dread when there was nothing to dread.” Psa. 53:5a (I've been dreading this a loooong time!)
Richard Foster, Simplicity—
“If you do travel, give it purpose. Go beyond the splashy travel brochures with their sights of tinseled affluence, and get to anguish and pain and human need.”
Identification with the poor---“We will tutor little ones deprived of basic skills.”
“If the concern involves the well-being of our children, it is often right and good.”
“We need to learn to distinguish a genuine psychological need, such as cheerful surroundings, from an obsession.”
“The life of Christian simplicity is necessarily tied to a concern for the poor and defenseless…for Christ, love of God and love of neighbor were two sides to the same door…our path often leads to the bleeding and broken of humanity.”
I have no idea WHEN I'll go. It's even POSSIBLE that God will let me send someone else in my place! But I've got to be willing to go.
Today we sang "Surrender" and I sang:
I count it all as loss
For the sake of knowing You
The glory of Your name
To know the lasting joy
Even sharing in Your pain
Well, that's where I've stopped short. I know God is pained by the plight of the little children in Africa, and I haven't been willing to share his pain until today.
I'm willing now. We'll see what happens.
At 3:32 PM ,
laurajo said...
I feel Africa in my heart. I want to hold the babies and kiss them and tell them that I love them. But it's not my time to go there. And I know that. God has selected His group for this trip and I wasn't in it and I am fine with that. But today I learned how I would be doing my part. Kevin asked for a volunteer to lead worship in the Upper Room on one of the nights that they will be gone. I heard my mouth saying that I would do it. The rest of me was not so sure, but my mouth was being obedient. So, Kathy, you also have had your hand in this because you enabled me to go to IWI, which prepared me to lead worship in Kevin and Sean's absence, which enables them to go do the mission. See how He "weaves His tapestry"?
At 3:35 PM ,
KathyH said...
Awww, thanks for sharing that!! I LOVE THE TAPESTRY CONCEPT!!!
At 9:40 PM ,
Annette said...
This is so exciting - I'm proud of you for being willing - if you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good of the land!!! Emily had a blast in Africa!!!
At 10:08 PM ,
KathyH said...
Eat the good of the land? It must not be very good because didn't Emily lose 20 lbs. there? Hey, maybe that'll happen to me, too! That would be good!
At 8:45 AM ,
Stephanie Marshall said...
Since I met all of you Kathy, Laura, Spring, Lisa, Ashley, and Mark. I can see that we were all in a cacoon hungrey to see the world through God's eyes and God is transforming us all into such butterflies! We are all spreading our wings to do God's work.
It's just amazing to be a part of this "Christian family" and see whats in store for the future.
Kathy, your's may have something to do with kids in Africa
Laura's with Ministering to youth.
Spring's with Healing and Recovery
I'm still trying to figure out my calling, but being with you all is great for me right now!
Just wanted to share this-thanks
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