Kathy's Korner


Tuesday, September 25, 2007


At the convention, Joyce Meyer talked about the importance of exercise. She recently got a personal trainer and says that at age 64, she feels better than she has EVER felt! In fact, she talked a lot about health in her message titled “I Dare You.” She said:

*TAKE RESPONSIBILITY to get healthy and get your body in shape.

*Satan makes us think we can abuse our bodies and still be ok, but that’s not true!


*Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit, and if it’s broken down He can’t use it very well.

*Don’t settle for sickness! CHANGE!

*We don’t need a wishbone, we need a backbone! Stop making excuses!

*You can be pitiful or powerful, but you can’t be both!

*Yes, God will give beauty for ashes, but we have to lose the ashes!

*Nobody at age 18 would expect to become a doctor without studying. We need to study up on health and DO IT.

*People are unhappy because they’re not ACTIVE.

*God gave us so many joints because he wants us to MOVE.

*Quit saying, “I’m just waiting for my miracle” and “I wish I was thin.”

*Inactivity is a playground of the devil.

*You don’t have time NOT to work out.

*Look in the mirror and say, “It’s a new day. My past will not dictate my future. I take responsibility for my health.”

*James 1:22 says “Be doers, not just hearers." You’re blessed by doing it, not hearing it!

I don't have a personal trainer, but I DO have an internet weight loss coach, and he has given me until Sunday to decide on a food plan. So if I don't blog for a few days, you'll know I'm busy studying plans!


  • At 10:09 AM , Blogger Stephanie Marshall said...

    I haven't talked to u since u went to JM conv. I watch her every morning on ch. 39. I Love her! Do you have her book (or do u know of anyone) that has her book "I Dare You"?
    I also LOVE T.D. Jakes - He was on Oprha Monday.

  • At 6:01 PM , Blogger Annette said...

    good stuff

  • At 6:49 PM , Blogger KathyH said...

    "I Dare You" is at Wal-Mart. Maybe both of you can go next year, Oct. 2-4. Spring wants to go. Flying's cheap to St. Louis.


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