I found the perfect birthday card for Joe! The front has a picture of a really BUFF guy playing golf, and it says, "To my husband, the pro golfer." Inside it says, "From your wife, the supermodel."
Yes, here we are in all our glory! Joe is wearing his "Old Fart" hat and carrying his cane (those are gag gifts on it). And there I am in a shirt in a size I never dreamed I'd ever wear!
And you know what? We're just as happy as we can be! Funny how unimportant appearance is when you get our age.
So, my young girlfriends, someday your struggle with your self-image will be over, and you, too, will be perfectly contented! The main thing you discover as you age is that people really don't care what you look like. You think they're looking at your body, but they're really looking at your heart. I think my heart is in good shape because I love God and people lavishly, and that's all that REALLY matters!
At 9:17 PM ,
Annette said...
Awesome - sooo true and soooo funny!
At 5:06 PM ,
Me said...
Your hearts in GREAT shape!!
At 11:48 PM ,
Michelle said...
I loved the picture! What a great testimony of the heart. I am one of those weird people that relish the thought of getting old. Why? Well, think of the wisdom and experience!! The one highlight about working with Alzheimer's patients (in my past life) is that their long term memory is great. I loved getting them to talk about their past...when they grew up and where they worked.. . fascinating!!! Never know what you never knew until you have sat at the foot of an older person who has heart and really listen. Cheers to you!
At 9:51 AM ,
KathyH said...
Yeah, I had an aunt in Berryville (she died recently), who couldn't remember what I said 5 minutes earlier, but she could tell me all about the time Harry Truman came to my town when I was three, and I was standing in my yard when his motorcade went by and we waved at each other!I was amazed!
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