Read Spring's Blog First For Background
I have a cousin who has been married for 40-something years, and she and her husband have an interesting tradition on their anniversary. Instead of buying cards for each other, they just go to the store together, each browses the cards and picks out the one they WOULD send if they were going to send it. Then they exchange the cards they chose, read them, and put them back in the rack!
Borrowing their idea, this beautiful calligraphied thought is for Spring! It's an expensive and lovely gift, and I hope she likes it!
If you can't read it, it says:
"A friend is one to whom you may pour out all the contents of your heart, chaff and grain together, knowing that the gentlest of hands will take and sift it, keep what is worth keeping, and with a breath of kindness, blow the rest away."
We didn't have this technology back when Annette and I became friends, so she gave me a REAL one, and it's still hanging on my bedroom wall where I can read it every morning and get a warm fuzzy feeling inside.
Borrowing their idea, this beautiful calligraphied thought is for Spring! It's an expensive and lovely gift, and I hope she likes it!

"A friend is one to whom you may pour out all the contents of your heart, chaff and grain together, knowing that the gentlest of hands will take and sift it, keep what is worth keeping, and with a breath of kindness, blow the rest away."
We didn't have this technology back when Annette and I became friends, so she gave me a REAL one, and it's still hanging on my bedroom wall where I can read it every morning and get a warm fuzzy feeling inside.
Spring, I want to echo Mark's words, "keep it real." We really don't want a plastic Spring, we want the genuine one! Don't be afraid anymore, ok? WE LOVE YOU!!
At 9:43 PM ,
Spring said...
Thank you, Kathy. Ilove ya. You got yourself a deal. But if I read about what a whack job I am on your blog, it's over! ;p
We should do a skit with "plastic people" for 40 Days of Community.
At 9:58 PM ,
KathyH said...
Ha! You still aren't sure you trust me, are you?! Well, just HIDE AND WATCH, GIRLFRIEND!
Annette, tell her what a great friend I can be!
Hey, thanks for the plastic people idea--you've given me a subject for my next blog entry!It'll be about--no, not you (I said,TRUST ME!!)plastic people.There's a song about that. I'll post the lyrics.
At 1:33 AM ,
Annette said...
Hey, she's not kidding - she is an AMAZING friend - I love you, Kathy
At 6:49 AM ,
laurajo said...
I love you too. And I am glad you chose to mentor me. Although you were doing it anyway without knowing.
At 9:11 AM ,
KathyH said...
Laura, I'd like to take the credit, but I'm really not smart enough to figure out something so cool!!
I think God did the choosing!
But I'll take some credit for hearing and obeying him about it! :)
At 9:21 AM ,
Annette said...
You know, that's what I was thinking and didn't fully write out - one thing I do appreciate about you, Kathy, is your ability and desire to seek the Lord, hear His voice, and obey - and even to speak the truth in love sometimes - I know I can always count on you to be honest with me
At 12:24 PM ,
Spring said...
Okay, you got me. So I have some trust issues. I really am trying to work on it. It is just hard when all your prior experiences tell you....BEWARE!!!!!! You are obviously an awesome friend, so that helps more than anything. Thank you for your patience!
At 2:55 PM ,
KathyH said...
Hey, girl, you're light years ahead of where I was at your age!
Annette taught me everything I know about openness, trust, and friendship, and I was 10 years older than you when we started the process.
I was definitely a plastic person until then. I wore a mask so much I didn't even know who I was.
It's wonderful being FREE TO BE ME, and I want to support your journey in becoming WHO YOU ARE, too!
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