"Let the glory of the Lord rise upon us!"

Then it happened! As I was listening to "Revelation Song" on our Night of Worship practice CD, the sun began to come up! When the song said "streaks of lightning, " little streaks of pink and yellow light appeared and layered the sky, and when it said "rolls of thunder," a little fog rolled in over me, just for a moment! (Ok, I know that sounds a little bizarre, but that's what happened! It wasn't like a normal white fog, it was black and filmy. I didn't see any more of it the rest of the trip.)
I had to turn off my music and sing, "Let It Rise!" I was soooo glad I'm a believer, because it would have been awful not to know who to THANK!
If that weren't enough to praise him all day for, then God spoke a Word to my heart, anyway--the one that says, "The Sovereign Lord has given me an instructed tongue...He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being taught." (from Isa. 50: 4 and 6). I knew he had taught me everything I needed to know in order to present my material, and I knew he would give me the right words to say, and I had peace and joy!
The day went great, my words came out right, nobody asked me any questions I couldn't answer, and at the end of the day, I drove back home with my CD blaring "I Am Free!!!"
I just opened up my Bible, and guess what it says in the very next two verses after I stopped reading this morning (Isa. 60:1-2)?!
Arise, shine, for your light has come,
See, darkness covers the earth
And thick darkness is over the peoples,
But the Lord rises upon you,
And his glory appears over you.
Wasn't God sweet to show me his glory today?! Thanks for praying for me, bloggerbuddies! God heard your prayers and answered above all I could have asked or even imagined!
At 10:17 PM ,
Annette said...
Wow - that is sooo cool - I just knew something like that would happen!!! Now you are free!!!!! Praise His name forevermore!!! It is so awesome to walk with Him - and He helps us with all our little and big things - I, too, am thankful I am one of His - Keep your eye open for Hephzibah - Isaiah 62:4 -
At 8:49 AM ,
KathyH said...
Yep, I ran into Hephzibah this morning!
At 10:55 AM ,
Annette said...
Is that not an amazing promise for all of us, but particularly Nathan!!! Wow!
At 12:06 PM ,
Me said...
That's good stuff! You're right, if you weren't a believer I wonder what you would have made of it? Who says God doesn't reveal His glory anymore. It's all around us, we just have to have eyes to see.
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