Coverboy Joe

We took Joe's mom to Cabot today. We met Ginger and Todd at Colton's for lunch and then split up. Ginger and I took Granny to see her burned building and her trailer. She has lots of posters up, and it looks cute and cozy. Todd and Joe actually went shopping (for golf shoes). Then we went to their house for awhile. Todd, who is a designer, as you can see, has framed some of the photos Ginger took in London and Paris, and they look great! They're going to Italy next, so she'll get more. Jody may go with them, and possibly Tyler (Todd's daughter). Jody went to Australia awhile back. I don't know HOW my kids got to be such world travelers. It may be because my mother went to China when they were young, and she used to always tell them they could go anywhere they wanted to when they grew up.
Hope all my bloggerbuddies are having a nice weekend. Church will be awesome tomorrow! I emailed Darrell some scriptures God put on my heart this morning, and I told him I was a compulsive emailer and didn't ever expect a reply unless I asked a direct question (Mark knows the drill!), but he emailed back nonetheless. He'll learn! (Right, Mark?) I really AM a compulsive emailer, although now that I have a blog as an outlet, I've cut down a lot. Anyway, Darrell said: Hello Kathy, Thank you very much for the encouraging Scriptures. We are really wired for tomorrow. Our God is a Mighty God! I'm gathering up to travel now. See you! Darrell Bridges I'll be glad when the vote is over and he can settle in where he belongs. Not that God has spoken any kind of direct word to me about him. I just figure that if the elders think he's the guy, he's bound to be the one, considering all the prayer everyone has put into this....
At 9:30 PM ,
Sandra Collins said...
I was glad to see you had responded as well. It hurts to think people have this opinion. I am a fairly new Christian but know that the only reason I was able to overcome my crack addiction was becasue it was what God wanted. I also know He gave me my addiction to bring me to Him. He used it so that I can now serve him by leading an addictions group for women at my church. God does amazing things and it still hurts me to see when others try and change people's minds about Him.
View my Blog site at
At 10:01 PM ,
KathyH said...
Yeah, I couldn't believe a total stranger actually got on my blogsite bashing Teen Challenge after I posted the addresses of our friends in the program.I removed her post. I bet she was surprised to see three comments in a row refuting her brainwashing idea. She obviously doesn't get it. I bet she'll remove our comments pretty quickly!
At 12:57 AM ,
Dawn said...
She did! They were gone in a heartbeat, as well as the second one I sent her. It's scary that someone can scan cyberspace like hat and find obscure words. I can't delete her, but hope I can figure out how.
It really infuriated me when I saw that. My son is alive today, seriously, because of TC. It is not for the faint of heart. It is only for those who have nowhere to go by up. Many don't make it through, but those who do usually succeed long term. I would love to know more about the ones you referred to.
I lived in Heber Springs from 1st-5th grade. I also noted End of the Spear on your list of favorite movies. My brother was the PR guy for that movie.
Nice to make your acquaintance!
At 1:10 AM ,
Annette said...
Wow - interesting posts - I'm so glad you had a great day with your family!!! Keep me in your prayer, Ethan and Hunter leave on October 13th - I am going with them to help them move and then riding a greyhound home. Have a great day tomorrow!!!
At 3:10 PM ,
KathyH said...
Yes, it was very interesting to hear from people in Colorado and Canada! And to hear from my "bestest friend" of 20 years!I'll be praying God's grace on you for the trip!
At 3:54 PM ,
Annette said...
thank you so much - "bestest friend" I really do love you and I love how you are open to God and young people!!!!
At 4:34 PM ,
KathyH said...
You taught me everything I know about openness to God and young people, Annette! I still want us to work a Passion event someday. Mark and Dillon are going to the Third Day concert this Thursday night! Hope they have as much fun as you and I did!
At 10:04 PM ,
Annette said...
Hey, I just saw this post - I doubt they will have as much fun as we did - I would LOVE to work a Passion event!!!!!
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