The couch has to go

Voddie Baucham, according to, says:
When my wife and I first married as college students, we were “po”—so poor that we couldn’t afford the second o and the r in the word, as the old joke goes.
We had nothing. Nothing, that is, except a couple of pieces of hand-me-down furniture. One was a couch that my mother had given us. She had earlier reupholstered it in a tan fabric, and it had three large cushions that were adorned with a series of orange squares set inside larger brown squares. It was hideous! Nevertheless, we were proud to have it. We kept that couch for several years.
Eventually, we both graduated from college and went from “po” to poor, and gradually we progressed to being merely broke. As we moved up the socioeconomic ladder, we began to acquire new furniture—first a coffee table, then a couple of bar stools, a dining room table, and a large floor lamp. Things were really looking up! However, the couch remained. I don’t know if it was the prohibitive cost of buying a new couch or the fact that my mother had recovered it herself before she gave it to us, but the couch lingered on.
Then it happened. The moment of truth arrived. We looked around and realized that there was a new theme in our home décor. The apartment had taken on a “poor-man’s modern” look. Everything was beginning to come together—everything, that is, except the couch. The couch stood out like a beggar at a black-tie dinner. Something had to be done! The couch had to go.
At first we didn’t have the heart to throw it out. Nor could we give it away. It had been a gift and a reminder of humble beginnings. So we decided to put it in an extra room. After a while, though, the couch was no longer good enough for that room, either. The time had come. It had to go.
At first we didn’t have the heart to throw it out. Nor could we give it away. It had been a gift and a reminder of humble beginnings. So we decided to put it in an extra room. After a while, though, the couch was no longer good enough for that room, either. The time had come. It had to go.
We did what was once unthinkable: we got up one morning and waited for the trash collector. When he arrived, I took the long walk out to the curb, where I said my final good-byes. He threw it into the truck, and it was gone.
Think of your OWN application for this, ok?
At 8:19 PM ,
Spring said...
We had that same couch! But ours was off white with huge mauvelous magnolias. She was a good couch....
At 8:40 PM ,
KathyH said...
Ha! I expected something deeper from my deep thinker friend, but that was cute!
At 9:41 PM ,
Sue Brazell said...
As you know, I am in the process of downsizing & since the movers will be charging by the weight so I have found a home for "family heirlooms" such as one Grandmother's desk that my aunt painted, silver coffee server that is missing so many parts, another grandmother's fur coat & a tea cart with the two wheels broken etc but three of my cousins are going to take them so they'll still be in the family.
At 10:04 PM ,
KathyH said...
Sue, when are you coming to visit and look for a place to live???
At 1:31 AM ,
Annette said...
I was thinking of old, worn out identities that need to be thrown out of our lives as we embrace the new things God has for us - (pretty deep, huh?)
At 10:09 AM ,
KathyH said...
Impressively deep, Annette! That Second Calling book has a story of a woman who uses the initials NI after her name to signify that she has a new identity.
"Annette Hudson, NI"
That has a nice ring!
At 10:48 AM ,
Sue Brazell said...
I will be coming out sometime this month or early next month! I hit a major obstacle last weekend but hopefully, early next week my cousins will be picking my two cats & some furniture. They couldn't come up last weekend because one came down with gout sooo... I'm learning to let go of material things. In all honesty, I don't need to be surrounded by things. My mother left me a gold ring which I'm not handing it down to anyone!
I like what Annete said about old worn out identities & letting God work in our lives. Very true!
At 10:52 AM ,
Annette said...
hey, btw, I finished that book yesterday - one of my FAVORITE things I read in it was - EVERYTHING BELONGS - that is my new motto!
At 10:57 AM ,
KathyH said...
Annette, please elaborate what that means. I've forgotten that part.
Hey, yeah--"Sue Brazell, NI" too!
At 5:10 PM ,
Annette said...
Well, to me, it means a deeper trust in a sovereign God that allows all kinds of things into our lives, some of them are pleasant at the moment, some are not so pleasant. However, the real point is that He really is big and He really is good (at the core) and He really loves me and even if I can't see the good He's going to bring out of "everything" that happens to me - too bad, it's still true. For so long, I used to always get mad at Him for things not just going exactly how I thought they should go and I've spent alot of emotional energy in that direction. I REALLY want to change, develop a quieter heart of trust and believe that everything belongs!
At 7:44 PM ,
KathyH said...
I get it! That's the same thing I've been reminded of at BSF--"All things work together for good" (I desperately NEEDED the lesson on Romans 8:28 when I started, so it was perfect timing).
But what IS the good? Well, the next verse (Rom. 8:29) says it's "to be conformed to the image of Christ."
After all, that's what really matters most, isn't it?
At 10:55 PM ,
Annette said...
wow - that's good - sometimes a little scary, considering the things He suffered, but I am counting on "My grace is sufficient", aren't you? I think that's where the fear comes in - that His grace won't be enough - boy, have you ever been tested in that!
At 11:00 PM ,
KathyH said...
Two good thoughts--
Everything belongs.
His grace is enough.
Haven't we become WISE WOMEN in our 50s?!
At 8:54 PM ,
Annette said...
AMEN!!!!! Now, help us apply it, Lord, when and if you allow us to be tested!
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