Promise/Prophecy #2

Welcome to Part II of the strange and wonderful world of "Kathy's Promised Grandbabies!"
Installment Two takes place last June, a couple of weeks BEFORE the events I posted yesterday.
I had been hoping for 8 years that Ginger would have a baby, but I knew she and Todd had planned a trip to Italy next summer, and Jody wasn't even married (at that time), so it didn't look likely that I would get a grandchild anytime soon, if ever.
Joe kept telling me that we probably wouldn't EVER have another grandchild, and I had almost given up hope.
But thanks to Diane Collins, I went to a Beth Moore Living Proof conference in Oklahoma City on June 23. At the very beginning, Travis Cottrell, the worship leader, said "We don't need another conference. We don't need another cool song. We need a WORD!" and I thought, yes, that's what I need--a fresh word from God!
And then I waited...
And waited...
And waited...
...until the VERY END of the conference!
As sort of a benediction at the end on June 24, Beth told us to speak Psalm 115:14 as a blessing over the people sitting by us as she spoke it from the platform.
So Sandy Burkett and Margaret Griggs, who were on my right and left, spoke this scripture over me:
Of course, I burst into tears, and told them how much I longed to have grandchildren. And then by faith, I began to believe that by some miracle, God was going to do that!
FAST FORWARD--Jody emailed and said Shannon was pregnant, and I was thrilled (well, after I worked through being scared, considering what we went through with Madeline)!
And then when Ginger called and said SHE was pregnant, too, I was totally awe-struck with the goodness of God, because it was my CHILDREN, not just ONE of them but BOTH of them, giving me grandbabies, just like that scripture said!
Stay tuned for Part 3 tomorrow. Since you already think that either I'm a woman of great faith or a nutcase (neither of which is true), I might as well tell you what I think God spoke to me in the Garden of Gethsemene last March! Ha!
At 12:41 PM ,
Annette said...
I love this - thank you for sharing it in such a beautiful way -
At 2:40 PM ,
Sue Brazell said...
WOW! I actually have a few tears in my eyes! Our God is truly AWESOME in every way! You have always inspired me! Luv Ya!
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