Worship Small Group

Anyway, the word I've gotta use, although it's badly overused, is AWESOME. It wasn't so much what was SAID as that I felt the Presence of God in an unusual way. I was so disappointed when it was over because I felt like I had WAVES of His Presence washing over me, and I wanted to stay there a lot longer.
Ironically, we were trying to define worship, and we said it was NOT an emotion, yet it seemed that God chose to reveal himself to me emotionally! I guess you just can't put him in a box, huh? (What an understatement!)
The only trouble is that when you're in the Presence of God like that, it reveals things in you that you don't like. I feel sad about a couple of stupid things I said to a friend today, and I have tried to correct them, although I don't think I did a very good job. However, this is a true friend, and I know that love covers a multitude of sins, so I know it will be ok.
One thing I don't know: why God puts up with me.
One thing I DO know: Grace is a beautiful thing.
At 10:54 PM ,
Annette said...
I knew you would have good stuff to share - it is so wonderful He loves us as we are, and yet challenges us to grow and change - I bless you
At 9:16 AM ,
KathyH said...
Bless you, too, sweetie! I'm praying about Saturday!
At 9:27 AM ,
Stephanie Marshall said...
I wished I would have been there too. I needed to feel what you felt.
Don't beat yourself up over not being "perfect" only God is perfect. But for you to want to be even better is what God is working on in you.
Personaly I think your pretty awesome!
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