I'm back!

Well, I survived my two weeks of fasting from blogging, and here I am again! I increased my running, lost 5 pounds, and gained new insights on prayer, so it was all good!
In this new phase of my blogging I think I'll just give a basic account of what I've been doing or thinking each day, and if I don't do or think anything, I'll just skip it. So if you don't see a post, you'll know I'm bored and my brain is empty.
Ok, bloggerbuddies, you probably all know that there is some concern that my grandson in Denver seems to have quit growing in the womb. The church staff prayed with me yesterday and about 30 people have emailed or called and promised to pray in the last 24 hours, plus he's on several church prayer lists and chains already, so I feel real good about it today.
Last night I went to bed with my NEW iPod and listened over and over to the song Mark and Lisa sang at our 3rd Night of Worship, because it expressed my heart so well:
I don’t know
what this day will bring,
Will it be
or filled with longed-for things.
No, I don’t know
what tomorrow holds,
Still I know
I can trust Your faithfulness.
I don’t know
if these clouds mean rain.
And if they do,
will they pour down
blessing or pain.
No, I don’t know
what the future holds,
Still I know
I can trust Your faithfulness.
Certain as the rivers reach the sea,
Certain as the sunrise in the east,
I can rest
in Your faithfulness.
Surer than a mother’s tender love,
Surer than the stars still shine above,
I can rest
In Your faithfulness.
I started this morning with a scripture from Laura that has been on my heart lately anyway but is now even more meaningful to me. Lamentations 3:22-23 (NIV)--
"His compassions never fail. They are new every morning: Great is your faithfulness."
Joe and I both have a lot of faith that the baby will be fine, but let's zero in on praying that he would GROW a lot soon!
On another subject, I found a support group for people like...well, you, Annette. It's lipbalmanonymous.com (Smile)
In this new phase of my blogging I think I'll just give a basic account of what I've been doing or thinking each day, and if I don't do or think anything, I'll just skip it. So if you don't see a post, you'll know I'm bored and my brain is empty.
Ok, bloggerbuddies, you probably all know that there is some concern that my grandson in Denver seems to have quit growing in the womb. The church staff prayed with me yesterday and about 30 people have emailed or called and promised to pray in the last 24 hours, plus he's on several church prayer lists and chains already, so I feel real good about it today.
Last night I went to bed with my NEW iPod and listened over and over to the song Mark and Lisa sang at our 3rd Night of Worship, because it expressed my heart so well:
I don’t know
what this day will bring,
Will it be
or filled with longed-for things.
No, I don’t know
what tomorrow holds,
Still I know
I can trust Your faithfulness.
I don’t know
if these clouds mean rain.
And if they do,
will they pour down
blessing or pain.
No, I don’t know
what the future holds,
Still I know
I can trust Your faithfulness.
Certain as the rivers reach the sea,
Certain as the sunrise in the east,
I can rest
in Your faithfulness.
Surer than a mother’s tender love,
Surer than the stars still shine above,
I can rest
In Your faithfulness.
I started this morning with a scripture from Laura that has been on my heart lately anyway but is now even more meaningful to me. Lamentations 3:22-23 (NIV)--
"His compassions never fail. They are new every morning: Great is your faithfulness."
Joe and I both have a lot of faith that the baby will be fine, but let's zero in on praying that he would GROW a lot soon!
On another subject, I found a support group for people like...well, you, Annette. It's lipbalmanonymous.com (Smile)
At 9:35 PM ,
laurajo said...
lipbalmanonymous.com? is that for people who have lip balm in their purse, pocket, car, on their desk, by their bed, by the sink, and have a stash built up because everytime they accidentally leave the house without it, they go immediately to the store to purchase more?
At 9:54 PM ,
KathyH said...
Do you relate to any of these people's stories from the website?
Dirk B. continues to live with addiction, refusing to get help.
I've all but given up denying my addiction. I have those little barrels of Blistex hidden away everywhere. There's one in my car (in a little pocket in the driver's footwell, along with the tire pressure gauge), one at my bedside, one on the dresser and one in my desk drawer at work. I also have a small container that fits into the watch pocket in my jeans that I take with me whenever I know that I'll be away from my other stashes for longer than a few hours (when I go out to a club for dancing or a show, when I'm at the beach, at a festival, on a plane...).
If I run out of lip balm, or can't get to my stash, I get antsy. Pretty soon I'm desperate--looking around for a cheap substitute, anything. I've used hand lotion, heck, I've even stooped to butter in a fit of desperation. Kinda like hardcore alkies and Sterno...
Thank god it's socially acceptable and legal.
Yours in addiction, Dirk B.
Sharon B. has since seen the light, but penned this when she was off the wagon.
Top Ten Reasons to Be a Proud Addict:
#10. Soft lips are next to Godliness
#9. No one like cracks near their lips
#8 Beavis and Butt-head buy Banana-flavored Balm
#7 Balm me up Scotty!
#6 Balmers (not bombers) make better lovers
#5 Lips without balm are not all they're cracked up to be
#4 Two Words, "Balms Away"
#3 B-A-L-M = Bad Ass Licking Mothers
#2 Boutros Boutros Balmi
#1 Women always ask, "Are you happy to see me or is that lip balm in your pocket?"
Greg W. found encouragement via our Web site.
I had been using Natural Ice Medicated Lip Balm (SPF 14), which is manufactured by Mentholatum, for the past several months. I liked the cool feeling I got when I slathered it across my lips once or twice a day. After a while, it was the first thing I did when I walked into the office in the morning. Pretty soon I bought an extra tube to keep in the car. I found that when applied outdoors or in the car on those cold mornings, the sensation on the lips was even cooler.
After a few months of social lip balming, I found that my indiscriminate use of Natural Ice was not enough. I found that I could get more bang for my buck by using Mentholatum directly. On the lips, under the nostrils, then eventually.... yes,... up the nose.
I've tried to cut back. I keep telling myself, "as soon as the winter is over, and the dry heat from the furnace is off, I can stop this" Sure,...more excuses.
I only hope LBA can give others the kind of encouragement you've given me.
New Zealand's Julie B. needs to read the 12 steps and go cold-turkey.
I would like to warn all of those in New Zealand that the 'Nectar' shop produces a strawberry torte lip balm. I have some in my drawer at work - my flatmate gave it too me. WHAT DO I DO!!!! I NEED HELP!!!!
I am trying really hard to wean myself of this horrible little jar of pink vaseline but when my lips get that really dry sandpapery feeling I don't know where to turn. Please help me.
Nyk F. left an addicted girlfriend. Nyk, next time try love and support!
Well, I would like to relate: It was so interesting to see the workings of minds similar to my own. You see, one day it hit me, and hit me hard...
I myself have never used lip balm, but a girlfriend of mine does, and it was with horror one day that I noticed how she behaved "under the influence". She would buy the cherry flavored stuff, because her lips were sore (little did I know what wretched condition had caused this) and slap it on. Then, 'cos it tasted nice, lick it off. This caused immediate discomfort and required another smearing. If this is not an erosion of our conscious freedoms, i don't know what is. I feel very strongly that the hypnotic control that surrounds such a product must be some kind of government conspiricy...
The worst tragedy was that my poor girlfriend was so nieve, so unaware. I had to leave her in search of more pure pastures, you understand?
Melissa M. bears of the scars of addiction.
I was so relieved to hear that I was not alone in this world of addiction. I am from Rhode Island and there never seems to be a reason to be without lip balm. In the winter it is necessary due to the cold temperatures and snow. In the summer there's the sun and heat to worry about. And there's always other reasons for the seasons in between. I don't know for sure how long I've been an addict, but I've probably been using for at least 10 years - and I'm only 23! My friends and family all know that I'm an addict. I don't want to blame them, but they enable me! The past 2 Christmases, I received several containers of lip balm as gifts. Needless to say, these were the favorite things I received both years. My lip balm of choice is Lip Medex by Blistex in the blue tin. I don't like the sticks as much, they go on a little too waxy. I need the soft. smooth kind to ease my pain.
I do have a lip balm horror story for you. As most addicts do, I have a stash everywhere, including my car. One summer afternoon, I came out of work to my car that had been sitting in the hot sun all day. I reached for my container to coat up for the drive home, and much to my dismay, as I opened my container, the all of the melted, now-liquid lip balm poured out all over my leg! I was not so much bothered the burn on my leg as I was the idea of driving home without my fix! Thanks for giving me the opportunity to share this with those who understand! Please write back! I need all the support I can get! Thank you!
Rachel A. should read the 12 steps and attend LBA meetings.
I just wanted all of you out there with a lip balm addiction that you are not alone. I too have a problem and have even tried using Lip Smackers that tastes and smells gross like chocolate raspberry but I still can't beat the addiction. If I go without it for more than 45 minutes I start to go through withdrawls and my lips instanly get chapped and I become very aggitated. To tell you the truth I feel sick and disgusting if I'm not wearing any lip balm. So if anyone has any words of encouragement for me to beat this problem please let me know.
My best friend has the same addiction so we will try to beat this thing together. Today I forgot my lip balm at home and it drove me crazy all day long. I kept on asking people to lend me some but no one would contribute to my addiction. I think it is just something I'm going to have to live with. Thanks for the support though, but I don't think anything can help me now. Well I got to go re-apply so e-mail me if you think you can help stop the insanity that I'm going through.
Dan G. needs help. Read our self-test, Dan!
My sister and I have been reading the accounts of addiction and find many of the stories to be like my own. I was driving home from work on a hot summer day when I reached for my trusty tin of Carmex that had been sitting on the dash. Much to my horror when I cracked the canister and open molten 'mex poured all over myself and the steering wheel. After the burning subsided on my chest I then had to deal with the wheel which was now coated with the slippery, but medicated, mess. I neared died that day but continue to use. Do I need help?
Outlawing lip balm won' stop Kia M.'s problem and it won't help yours. Get into a 12-step program!
I must admit to almost feeling reassured by the testimonials on your LBA page - it was a relief to know I'm not alone.
One thing I have to comment on: Bonne Bell has a lot to answer for when it comes to young women with LB problems. Lip Smackers were my road to ruin (though I didn't know it when I started - they seemed as innocent as anything else in my xmas stocking). I still own a Dr Pepper one... My younger sister is also falling victim to lip balm addiction via heavily flavoured lip balm, which is sad to see. She's getting into mixing - vanilla and strawberry together, say - something I never did. It's tough to watch. But it's tough for me too.
While I'm able to stay clear of the Lip Smackers gift packs and so on now, it just means I've turned to more socially acceptable lip balm in my adulthood. Labello has been a thrill, and I've just started getting heavily into Carmex - I squeeze my lips into the pot most of the time; I'm so desperate for the fix that I can't be bothered with a finger.
I suppose I should confess to also having a lipstick problem. I like the really unctuous, sheer ones, too; the more balmish, the better. I think I first started going for the colour when I got off the kiddy strawberry/cherry/etc stuff.
Anyway. Bonne Bell, and others of its ilk, should take more responsibility and quit marketing to children. I'm going to write my MP, and see if its distribution can be limited along the lines of tobacco and liquor.
Get help Lisa H.!
It all started one day, when I bought my first 3 pack of Lip Smackers...I didn't realize that I had a problem, until one day when a friend of mine and I were getting ready for a party. I opened my drawer to get a comb, and she stopped half-way through her sentence with a look of shocked horror on her face. I looked down in my drawer and realized that she was horrified and disgusted by all of the Lip Balm I had in there. I put on lip balm every night, in the morning, after breakfast, and hourly during the day. My favorite kinds are, of course, Lip Smackers, and Virgin Lip Balm, 'cause they come in really cool neon colors. (Which, by the way, give your lips a really funny look if you use too much.) And that is my true lip balm story.
Nomi H.
There are many more heartbreaking stories like this on the website. When you have hit rock bottom, Laura, you will search for help, and you will find it there!
(Doesn't this whole thing crack you up?)
At 10:21 PM ,
laurajo said...
Oh Kathy. There are others out there. I found something in each one's story that really hit home. Well it could be worse. At least this addiction wont land me in jail.
At 12:45 AM ,
KathyH said...
Annette, glad you liked it. I don't have a clue why you can't post. You didn't forget your username and password, did you? Once I couldn't post and finally realized I was using the wrong info. Don't give up!Ask Emily!
At 1:25 PM ,
Annette said...
Ok, I am back - this is the funniest thing I have ever heard of!!! And to top it off, I am going to my dermatologist next week, because there really is something wrong with my lips and I have to find out - however, if he tells me no more lip balm or lipstick - I guess I'm just stuck - I'll let you know what he says - I am an addict, I admit it and like Laurajo says - at least it's not illegal!!! Ha!!!
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