Counting Down

One day of VBS down--YAHOO! I assigned myself the three "challenge kids" in my preschool group, and I spent the morning alternating between hugging on them and sitting on them! Ha!
I was embarrassed that they didn't listen very well to Polly and Wanda during the Bible story time, but Becky said some kids at that age can't sit and listen unless they're watching TV. ((VERY SAD!!!!))
I think next year I'll ask for the class of kids who have FINISHED kindergarten!
I'm not just counting down days until VBS is over, though. I'm also counting down days until we go to the Worship Institute. I'll leave a week from tomorrow! The "children" in our group who are going to Six Flags first (Mark, Lisa, Spring, and Stephanie) will be riding the rides and eating too much cotton candy a week from today! (((Oh, to be young again!)))
That's all I've got, bloggerbuddies!
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