My Day in Eureka Springs

Annette and I have been friends for 21 years, and I don't think we've ever missed a year of celebrating our birthdays together.
They've just moved to Green Forest, so I thought this year I'd make the beautiful drive through Ozone and Kingston and see her house, and then we could go over to Eureka for lunch. It was indeed a beautiful drive, and even the cop who stopped me for speeding out in the middle of nowhere was very nice and only gave me a warning ticket.
We ate lunch on an outdoor balcony--delicious chicken salad sandwiches and cinnamon tea. I probably sat an hour after we ate, just visiting. Then we walked around some, sat at Basin Park, got on a trolley and went EVERYWHERE, and went to a fudge shop and ate a celebratory chocolate-covered strawberry.
On the way back to Green Forest, it rained and HAILED and got DARK. The darkness served to remind me that I would be starting home too late to get there before dark, and the road was very isolated, had many turns, and would be somewhat dangerous and spooky at night.
So I called Joe, and he agreed I should spend the night. Donnie and Annette had to go to VBS tonight, so I get to curl up on their couch and read the book Annette gave me--The Penny by Joyce Meyer. I've been wanting to read it, but it's actually a novel, and I'm pretty picky about wanting my novels to be well-written, so I hadn't bought it. However, it has a co-author (who probably really wrote it) and a recommendation on the back by Max Lucado, who is an exceptionally fine writer, so those were good signs.
And now I've read the first few pages and it's GREAT! It has totally sucked me in already! So I'm gonna go read now, bloggerbuddies! I'll be home in the morning!
At 9:11 AM ,
Stephanie Marshall said...
So you got stopped by the PoePoe huh? I laughed when I read that-cause I could see your face when the lights came on. I figured you just charmed your way right out of that-with that wonderful smile and spirit of yours who could give you a ticket?
Glad you had a wonderful visit with Annette-Its great she is closer and you will get to see more of each other. Happy B-day Annette? (It is her b-day right?)
At 9:34 AM ,
laurajo said...
Yes, happy birthday Annette.-And Kathy, too. Will someone please tell me when your actual birthdays are? Kathy, I think that I know when yours is, but I am not sure.
Glad you crazy girls had fun.
Love ya.
At 12:44 PM ,
KathyH said...
Does anyone know how to do that email program that saves people's birthdays and emails to remind you of them? We should do that if anyone knows how. I'm really not very good at remembering birthdays.
My major birthday present was the IWI, so we have already celebrated, girlfriends!
At 10:18 AM ,
Annette said...
Ha - how funny - my birthday isn't until February!!! It's Kathy's birthday!!!!!
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