The Kiss of Peace
In light of THREE thought-provoking sermons I heard today (from Richard, Mark and Laura, the latter two in song), I want to share this from Christianity Today:
One day when Francis was riding to Assisi, he saw a leper on the road. He reached out to embrace the leper and actually gave him the kiss of peace. While embracing this filthy, diseased outcast, Francis said, he was overcome by a dual sensation. One was nausea. The other was a sense of sweetness and well-being.
Like Francis, we need both. If all we experience is nausea, we will become cynics. We will give up on the world and turn away. But if all we have is sweetness, then our faith will amount to little more than sentimental fluff.
Genuine Christian faith, and true ministry, takes place on the thin line between nausea and sweetness.
One of our elders, Dan Leeds, comes to mind as someone on that thin line. Sweetness just oozes out of him, wouldn't you agree? But there's a lot more to him than sentimental fluff.
Danny gave the kiss of peace to a seriously messed-up couple in our community, and no matter how many times they disappointed him, he never gave up on them or quit interceding with God and man on their behalf. Today Lester and Teresa are in a Teen Challenge drug rehab for couples. He worked long and hard to get them into the program, he drove them to Tulsa and put them on the plane to California, he calls every two or three days to check on them, and there's no telling how much time he spends praying for them!
Yes, some of the rest of us gave them the kiss of peace, too (and I cherish my memory of giving them both a literal kiss as Bruce's class laid hands on them and prayed for them on their last Sunday here), but when I read that story about St. Francis, the face I visualize is Danny's.
Let's all help carry Danny's burden of love by crying out to God every day for grace for Lester and Teresa to make it through the hard days they're experiencing. Then someday maybe we'll get to see them declaring from the pulpit the miracle of love that brought them deliverance.
Danny's not a blog reader or I wouldn't have written this. He's much too humble to want attention called to him. So it's our secret, ok?
Mark and Laura, thanks for your sermons!!
One day when Francis was riding to Assisi, he saw a leper on the road. He reached out to embrace the leper and actually gave him the kiss of peace. While embracing this filthy, diseased outcast, Francis said, he was overcome by a dual sensation. One was nausea. The other was a sense of sweetness and well-being.
Like Francis, we need both. If all we experience is nausea, we will become cynics. We will give up on the world and turn away. But if all we have is sweetness, then our faith will amount to little more than sentimental fluff.
Genuine Christian faith, and true ministry, takes place on the thin line between nausea and sweetness.
One of our elders, Dan Leeds, comes to mind as someone on that thin line. Sweetness just oozes out of him, wouldn't you agree? But there's a lot more to him than sentimental fluff.
Danny gave the kiss of peace to a seriously messed-up couple in our community, and no matter how many times they disappointed him, he never gave up on them or quit interceding with God and man on their behalf. Today Lester and Teresa are in a Teen Challenge drug rehab for couples. He worked long and hard to get them into the program, he drove them to Tulsa and put them on the plane to California, he calls every two or three days to check on them, and there's no telling how much time he spends praying for them!
Yes, some of the rest of us gave them the kiss of peace, too (and I cherish my memory of giving them both a literal kiss as Bruce's class laid hands on them and prayed for them on their last Sunday here), but when I read that story about St. Francis, the face I visualize is Danny's.
Let's all help carry Danny's burden of love by crying out to God every day for grace for Lester and Teresa to make it through the hard days they're experiencing. Then someday maybe we'll get to see them declaring from the pulpit the miracle of love that brought them deliverance.
Danny's not a blog reader or I wouldn't have written this. He's much too humble to want attention called to him. So it's our secret, ok?
Mark and Laura, thanks for your sermons!!
At 7:36 PM ,
Spring said...
I have heard it said more than once, that Dan is one of the most sincere and approachable men in the church. I don't know him well, yet but he seems like an awesome man of God. L&T are in my prayers. I have got to read up more on this St. Francis.
At 11:02 PM ,
Michelle said...
Dan is the reason we came back to First Baptist. (well, one of the main ones). That's all I will say about that. I love Dan and Frieda (can't forget Frieda!).
At 9:44 PM ,
laurajo said...
When I think back to my beginning days at FBC I remember Dan and Richard. They made me feel so welcome and safe.
I have been thinking about Lester and Teresa. I cant imagine being where they are, but I thank God that they met you and all of the other people who are trying to help them. So many people in their shoes want the help but dont know how to go about finding it or are scare of it once they do find it. Thank God Dan didnt give up.
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