
I was in a Dept. of Education teleconference today, and at one point we were exhorted to be relevant to the students by entering into their world. Guess what they used as an example?
I felt so darn relevant, I waved my arms and said, "I do! I do!"
So tonight I want to thank my relevant blogging friends who make me relevant:
Relevant Mark
Relevant Michelle
Relevant Julie
Relevant Spring
Relavant Laura
Revelant Carol
Relevant Annette
May our relevant tribe increase!
Call me crazy, but sometimes I wonder if we overuse that word. What do you think? The lines are open for relevant comments from relevant people.
At 11:32 AM ,
Spring said...
I have a completely irrelevant comment...... I love ya! And I think whether or not you are relevant to your students' lifestyle is irrelevant to making a difference in their lives. You might be able to connect with them a little through blogging and such, but I think genuinely loving them says a lot more! And you are totally relevant in that department.
At 12:56 PM ,
KathyH said...
You can't ever say anything irrelevant to ME, Spring! Remember, you're my MENTEE, so that means anything you say is important to me!
At 1:06 PM ,
Me said...
I don't believe relevance is necessarily the key. It's wonderful, but being genuine & real are where the goods are. My friend Shaun wrote a great blog entry on this. I would link to it, but I'm not sure how to. Just go to his blog and search for it. It will be worth it.
At 4:06 PM ,
Annette said...
I am proud of you, Kathy, for keeping on learning!!!!
At 10:58 PM ,
Michelle said...
I think we have an inherent search for relevance in our lives. The biggest and best way to achieve relevance is in the Lord. Being found in Him is my relevance, nothing else really means as much without Him beside me.
At 1:35 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Thanks for including me Kathy, it put a smile on my face. :)
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