My DH and Too Much Wee (Unrelated)

I couldn't open my email this morning, but then my DH (as they say in internet lingo) came home from Hardees and spent about 3 hours defragging my computer (whatever that means) and it works now!
I'm glad, because two of my sweet mentees had emailed me for special prayer. I'm late, girlfriends, but I'm all over it now!
I'm glad, because two of my sweet mentees had emailed me for special prayer. I'm late, girlfriends, but I'm all over it now!
Here's a sad but interesting news story. I guess God made sure the admonition to "practice moderation in all things" was in the Bible for a good reason, not that he was thinking about not weeing for a WII at the time. Then again, he IS God, so who knows...
A 28-year-old mother of three died from water intoxication after taking part in a water-drinking contest for KDND (The End)/Sacramento on Friday. The contest, Hold Your Wee for a Wii, involved drinking as much water as you could without going to the bathroom in order to win the much-coveted Nintendo Wii video game console. Contestant Jennifer Lea Strange died after drinking well over a half gallon of water during the Morning Rave program, said the Sacramento Bee.
As part of the contest, participants were each given eight-ounce bottles of water. They had two minutes to drink a bottle, waited 10 minutes, then drank another bottle. Some of them kept drinking for up to three hours.
The CBS television affiliate in Sacramento reported that Strange called a co-worker shortly after bowing out of the contest. She was in tears and said that she felt ill and could not make it to work. Family members later found her unresponsive at home.
Some of the comments on the web today:
January 15th,20072:42 pm
It’s sad that this woman died. However, this goes to a deeper problem in our society — materialism. The mother obviously had a problem telling her children the truth that she cannot afford the Wii; however, I am sure that she did not receive any support from her husband and did not want to anger her children so instead of holding her ground and stating the obvious that she cannot afford it she killed herself trying to make her family happy. I also bet that this game was for her husband as well as her children. It’s a shame that parents cannot hold their ground and act like adults and say NO! If she did, she would not have participated in such a dumb stunt. Now saying that, I believe that the station should provide some monetary relief, but not much because in my opinion it was everyone’s fault in this case: the radio station, the family and the mothers’.
— Posted by poster
January 15th,20072:42 pm
It’s sad that this woman died. However, this goes to a deeper problem in our society — materialism. The mother obviously had a problem telling her children the truth that she cannot afford the Wii; however, I am sure that she did not receive any support from her husband and did not want to anger her children so instead of holding her ground and stating the obvious that she cannot afford it she killed herself trying to make her family happy. I also bet that this game was for her husband as well as her children. It’s a shame that parents cannot hold their ground and act like adults and say NO! If she did, she would not have participated in such a dumb stunt. Now saying that, I believe that the station should provide some monetary relief, but not much because in my opinion it was everyone’s fault in this case: the radio station, the family and the mothers’.
— Posted by poster
January 15th,20072:44 pm
I think that on top of any lawsuit, the Radio Station should give her family a Wii as a symbolic gesture. It’s a silly thing to give your life for, but that’s what she ended up doing–it would be sad to see one of her last wishes not held up.
— Posted by AirwalkerY2K
I think that on top of any lawsuit, the Radio Station should give her family a Wii as a symbolic gesture. It’s a silly thing to give your life for, but that’s what she ended up doing–it would be sad to see one of her last wishes not held up.
— Posted by AirwalkerY2K
January 15th,20072:45 pm
What’s the matter with you people, was NASSCAR held responsible when Earnhardt crashed?? No, because he knew of the risks and dangers of his choices. Why are other people being held accountable for the choices of those who choose to be so naïve? Each person is responsible for their own actions. Including educating ones self about the consequences of their choices. Wake up world and be accountable for your own life instead blaming everyone and everything else.
— Posted by Utopian Synergy
What’s the matter with you people, was NASSCAR held responsible when Earnhardt crashed?? No, because he knew of the risks and dangers of his choices. Why are other people being held accountable for the choices of those who choose to be so naïve? Each person is responsible for their own actions. Including educating ones self about the consequences of their choices. Wake up world and be accountable for your own life instead blaming everyone and everything else.
— Posted by Utopian Synergy
January 15th,20072:46 pm
QUICK! Everyone call your Congressman and Senator and flood President Bush with emails! We need a new government program to protect us all from Big Water because some people do stupid things and do not understand that consuming too much of ANY substance from water to oxygen is unhealthy.
It is time to bring Big Water to its knees and demand warning labels and obscene taxes on every gallon of water sold to help fund new programs to educate people about the danger!
— Posted by J.J. Jackson
QUICK! Everyone call your Congressman and Senator and flood President Bush with emails! We need a new government program to protect us all from Big Water because some people do stupid things and do not understand that consuming too much of ANY substance from water to oxygen is unhealthy.
It is time to bring Big Water to its knees and demand warning labels and obscene taxes on every gallon of water sold to help fund new programs to educate people about the danger!
— Posted by J.J. Jackson
At 8:30 PM ,
Annette said...
Thanks for keeping me abreast of such interesting things - (I think)
At 8:37 PM ,
KathyH said...
Yeah, I'm full of useless trivia.
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