Light at the end of the tunnel

I whined yesterday for nothing! As it turns out, I can still do the things I want to do if I'll do them in the afternoons instead of the mornings unless I have a clear word from God about it. Mornings are prime time, and prime time is God's time!
I DID go back to BSF today, and it was wonderful! I felt like I was HOME again! I didn't expect to feel that way because it has been many years since I attended it. Oddly enough, the lecture was mostly about suffering, and I didn't relate to it at all! Usually suffering is my favorite teaching, but now that I'm the happiest I've been in YEARS, it didn't apply to me!
I repent of my whining yesterday. Life is very, very good! Gotta get the T-shirt!
At 10:16 PM ,
Annette said...
You really do need the t-shirt - I've seen a bunch of them lately - where do you get them? I'm so glad you loved BSF!!!
At 9:44 AM ,
KathyH said...
Mark said Hibbits Sports.
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