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#1: The King
The only thing scarier than Ronald or Mister Softee is Burger King's 'King'. As if to underscore the King's inherent creep-factor, Burger King even sells King masks online for Halloween. Do you really want to wake up to this guy? DO YOU!?!?
The only thing scarier than Ronald or Mister Softee is Burger King's 'King'. As if to underscore the King's inherent creep-factor, Burger King even sells King masks online for Halloween. Do you really want to wake up to this guy? DO YOU!?!?
Some of the comments:
dave said:
Yeah that big headed King totally gives me the heeby-jeebies. And I seriously had weird dreams after seeing that Quizno's rat-thing.
karl said:
What a terrible post...pretty sure the 'King' is the most rockin' mascot ever invented. A figure of royalty, wearing a BK Crown and shades who has his own video game. You can't get much cooler than that
JAB said:
The first time I saw the "Waking up with the King" spot I flashbacked to some of Norm MacDonald's stand-up. I just thought to myself, "The King is going to rape this guy!"
Rhilly said:
I thought Burger King's french fry ads were creepy when Mr Potato Head was the character involved.
sirloinj said:
have you seen any of the spoofs on the net with the king?? long live the king....and the quisnos things....those are what we call, a sponge monkey. this is classic stuff here....i hate the noid...i dont' want to avoid him, i want him dead
xoxoxox said:
these guys are so so creepy, i swear if i ever saw that burger king guy outside of my window, i would cry. he is just so SCARY!!!
Hugh said:
The creepy part is Old King would twist his ring and reveal a secret room in the back of the BK that only children and himself could enter.....
shope said:
Grimace is a tastebud! And he's named that because you'd grimace when he stole your milkshake. Definitely bizarre.
beckletts said:
Clearly many of you don't appreciate the utter brilliance of the King... while his constant sneaking around can be seen as rather creepy, there isn't a person around that wouldn't know who you were talking about if you mentioned "the king"... Great commercials Burger King!!!!
SlimRuleS said:
speaking for myself i like the king
desertdragon said:
I'm not touching any food whose producers think they need a freaking (literally) mascot to try to convince me to eat it. I liked the post - all of the above mentioned entities totally creep me out.
brucegrillmster said:
The "King" is as creepy an icon as I have seen on TV in years! I don't eat much fast food, but I DO NOT go to Burger King since this guy came out.
Can you believe people actually waste their time on such inane subjects as this?
Can you believe I quoted them?
I think retirement is turning my brain to mush.
It won't happen again. I promise.
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