Charlie and Prayer

Here's part of an email I got from Jody's wife Shannon today--
"I wanted to let you know that every night Jody and I are praying together and we are so thankful for all your prayers."
So thanks for praying, bloggerbuddies!
Pastor Darrell is preaching on "Connecting With The Church" Sunday, and this whole experience with Charlie has been a prime example of why having a church is so important. As soon as I got the news that Charlie wasn't growing like expected, I went straight to the church, barged into staff meeting, read the email from Jody, and WOW--every single staff member prayed powerful prayers for him! I walked in totally distraught, cried a lot as they prayed, then walked out with peace that passes understanding. Then last night the elders met and prayed for him again! And I've had 40 people email me that they were praying, including some who have put Charlie on prayer lists at other churches!
And now you want to know how Charlie's tests went today, right? Well, the doctor ruled out two of the major causes of IUGR (Intrauterine Growth Restriction--you can google it). The placenta and amniotic fluid both looked fine! The doctor is still a little concerned, Jody said, but I guess not too much because he's waiting until May 16 to measure him again!
The doctor isn't talking about taking him early. Even if he's small, he'll be full term, and he'll look huge to us after having a 2-pounder!
And they know he's strong because Shannon said he kicks harder than her other two boys ever did!
So let's just keep praying for him to GROW so he'll get into a higher percentile and they won't have that "concern" to think about anymore, ok?
God is good!
Thanks, everybody!
At 8:18 PM ,
laurajo said...
Is Shannon going to be thanking everyone who prayed for Charlie to grow when she is delivering a 9 pounder? Wouldn't that be something? It could happen!!! On a serious note, isn't it great that they are praying together every night?
At 8:57 PM ,
KathyH said...
Since it'll be a C-section, she probably won't mind, and you're right--it could happen if we keep praying!
It's very sweet that they're praying together.
At 11:31 PM ,
Annette said...
Amen to all of the above - Wow, God is good!!! Love you and miss you - are you guys going anytime soon? Do you remember that I plan on staying at your house June 10-13th. I may not be there much - except we can make a couple of "dates" especially since I've made so many good friends from the License to Preach School - ok, bye
At 9:11 AM ,
KathyH said...
They want us to be there for the delivery (as if they could keep us away), which will be about June 1.
Yes,I'll have the hot tub ready June 10.
At 9:50 AM ,
Sue Brazell said...
Go Charlie Go! Keep GROWING & keep kicking! Charlie does sound like a little spitfire!
At 10:01 AM ,
KathyH said...
He does, doesn't he?!
At 3:18 PM ,
Sue Brazell said...
According to Shannon, Charlie kicks harder than his two brothers did so I bet he keeps his Mom awake at night! :) Will keep our prayers going that Charlie will continue to GROW!
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