Celebrating My Healing
He heals the brokenhearted,
And binds up their wounds.
--Psa. 147:3
Five years ago today I watched helplessly as my almost-three-year-old granddaughter, the light of my life, died. That day the sun went out for me.
The first year I was numb. I couldn't feel any emotions at all. The second year God gave me peace as I came to understand the wisdom of God's plan in taking Madeline home to dance with the angels, forever free from pain.
But peace and healing are two different things, and healing didn't come, although I often cried out for it as I prayed the Psalm that says, "He heals the brokenhearted, and binds up their wounds."
God is amazingly creative in how he fulfills his word, and he did it for me through a special family that he sent to FBC, whom I call "the E's." (If my English teacher daughter reads this, I know there's not an apostrophe there, but it looks better with one.)
The E's, each doing a different important work of grace, brought me God's healing. I can't explain it, I just live in the joy of it.
In an hour Joe and I will pile in the E's van for another dinner together, this time at The Grapevine in Paris.
And as we are celebrating Mark's birthday, I will also be celebrating my healing, for God truly has healed my broken heart and bound up my wounds.
To God be the glory!
At 5:31 PM ,
Anonymous said...
To God be the glory indeed!!! I too lost someone very dear to me many years ago, and it took a very long time for healing, praise God it was three years for you. You probably looked for God's face more diligently than I did, I just looked at the ground for 10 years. I praise God for your peace and healing. Have fun with Mark and fam...wish him Happy Bday from us.
At 5:42 PM ,
KathyH said...
Will do!
Actually, I was too dense to see the gift God had sent me for a long time. I KNEW the E's and I LIKED them, but I hadn't bothered to get to know them very well.
I had no idea what they were going to mean to me until God spelled it all out for me last December. But that's another story!
At 3:28 PM ,
Michelle said...
Healing is awesome! As a Christian, I know that eventually it will come whether on this earth or not...healing always comes from Him.
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