Three Rules
Aha! I feel vindicated! My username was wrong again today, and this time I KNOW I didn't do it! (Computers think they're so smart sometimes!)
I'm SO GLAD I'm back to blogging despite occasional frustrations, though, because I really received some good ministry from Carol, Summer, Hippie Chick, and Annette!
I just finished a children's book called "The Crow-Girl." The girl in the book lives a totally isolated life in a cove with her grandmother, barely surviving. Her grandmother prepares her for the time she will die by telling her three important rules she must always remember.
Rule #1--"You will find two kinds of people in the world. There are those who make you feel inside as if you are drinking a good, warm soup--even if you are hungry and the two of you have nothing to eat. In spite of that they nourish you. And then there are those who cause you to freeze inside, even if you are sitting before a roaring fire and have eaten your fill. Those are not good for you, even though others might say that they are good people."
Rule #2--"The second rule says that the door to a person's heart can only be opened from within. If there is someone who will not let you in, it's no use hammering and kicking and lamenting and complaining. For what if the door is ajar, and you push it shut? With some people it can never be opened again."
Rule #3--"Then there is the third and most important rule. It's about a person's need to continue wishing and hoping, for then, at last, you will get what was wished and hoped for--even if it is in a completely different way from what you had imagined."
One thing I love about God is his creativity in speaking in so many different ways, and he spoke to me through these words. I'm very grateful today for warm-soup friends like YOU!
I also don't want to push any doors shut by complaining, and I'm trusting God for the things I wish and hope for, however he chooses to answer.
I'm SO GLAD I'm back to blogging despite occasional frustrations, though, because I really received some good ministry from Carol, Summer, Hippie Chick, and Annette!
I just finished a children's book called "The Crow-Girl." The girl in the book lives a totally isolated life in a cove with her grandmother, barely surviving. Her grandmother prepares her for the time she will die by telling her three important rules she must always remember.
Rule #1--"You will find two kinds of people in the world. There are those who make you feel inside as if you are drinking a good, warm soup--even if you are hungry and the two of you have nothing to eat. In spite of that they nourish you. And then there are those who cause you to freeze inside, even if you are sitting before a roaring fire and have eaten your fill. Those are not good for you, even though others might say that they are good people."
Rule #2--"The second rule says that the door to a person's heart can only be opened from within. If there is someone who will not let you in, it's no use hammering and kicking and lamenting and complaining. For what if the door is ajar, and you push it shut? With some people it can never be opened again."
Rule #3--"Then there is the third and most important rule. It's about a person's need to continue wishing and hoping, for then, at last, you will get what was wished and hoped for--even if it is in a completely different way from what you had imagined."
One thing I love about God is his creativity in speaking in so many different ways, and he spoke to me through these words. I'm very grateful today for warm-soup friends like YOU!
I also don't want to push any doors shut by complaining, and I'm trusting God for the things I wish and hope for, however he chooses to answer.
At 8:47 PM ,
KathyH said...
Yeah, I can't stay bummed out too long with all the encouraging friends God has blessed me with!
Everyone's gonna be blown away by the way you sing "Jesus Take the Wheel" Sunday! I can't wait!!
At 12:21 AM ,
Michelle said...
Can I be Vegetable Soup? That's my favorite!
Glad you're feeling better!
At 1:20 AM ,
KathyH said...
Well, ok. Chicken Noodle is my favorite, but diversity is good!
At 11:36 AM ,
KathyH said...
Carol, I read that too fast and thought you were wishing and hoping for God's perfect SPOUSE! Funny, huh?
Thanks for encouraging me about blogging and about Sandy.
At 4:59 PM ,
laurajo said...
Kathy, you will not shut the doors of true friendship with a little complaining. That's what friends are for.
At 5:07 PM ,
KathyH said...
That's true, Laura!
I can say anything to a true friend.
I've been thinking about that a lot since Wed. night.
There's a woman in my life who I THOUGHT was a friend, but she's always getting her feelings hurt over some little imagined slight and shutting me out of her life.
I don't know whether to keep reaching out to her or whether to write her off and get on with being friends with normal people.
Anyway, thanks for being my REAL friend. I'll figure out this mentoring thing sometime!
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