Things You Should Do Before You Go to Heaven
101 things may be a few too many, but here are 5 things from a new book by David Bordon and Tom Winters called "101 Things You Should Do Before You Go to Heaven"--
1. Give Away Something Valuable--If you had to evacuate your home and had one hour to pack your car with everything that was valuable to you (above and beyond your family, pets, and old tax returns!), what would you choose to save?
Sometimes, items are of value simply because of the wonderful memories they represent. On the other hand, some of the possessions that own a piece of your heart may be more tied up in self-centeredness than sentiment—that stereo system, that jewelry, that new car. It may even be the home that houses all of your prized possessions. The truth is, when you go to heaven, none of these things will be going with you. So why not start loosening your grip on them a little early?
You don't need to start big. Donate something to charity that's not broken or worn out. Give something to another family simply because they need it more than you do. God never said owning things was wrong. However, He did say it was harder for a rich man to get into heaven than for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle (Matt. 19:24). The less tightly you hold on to your possessions, the more contentment you'll have here on earth.
2. Reconnect with a Long-Lost Friend--If you misplaced a hundred-dollar bill, chances are you'd turn your home upside down to find it. But when friends get misplaced along the road of life, all too often their names are simply crossed off the Christmas list and relegated to conversations that begin with "I wonder what ever happened to…"
Don't let an address change or the passing of time erase someone from your life. Invest in future joy by reconnecting with people from your past. Conduct your own friendship "search and rescue" by typing a friend's name into your favorite Internet search engine. Call mutual friends and ask the "Do you know whatever happened to…?" question. Send a note to a friend's last known address, asking whoever currently lives there for help.
Once you think you've located your friend, drop him or her a note. Share a few favorite memories, a little about what's happened in your life since you last saw each other. Chances are, your friends will be as excited to reconnect with you as you are with them. What's more, your timing in tracking them down may be God's timing in meeting a need.
It takes time, energy, and love to make a friend. Don't squander that investment. And when friends do wind up "missing," don't wait until heaven to reconnect with them. Reach out now. True friends are treasures whose value increases with time.
3. Spend a Day Alone with God--Suppose God gives you 70 years to live on this earth? That means, before your departure to heaven, you would have 25,550 days to explore, enjoy, and make a difference in the world around you. Out of all those days of opportunity and adventure, dedicating a single day to spend totally focused on the One who gave you the gift of life itself seems like a small thing. And it is, especially in light of eternity.
4. Touch an Untouchable--In the Hindu caste system, some people in the society are viewed as "untouchable." These individuals are deemed intrinsically inferior from the womb to the grave. Although the caste system is now illegal in India, its practices are still widely accepted. Members of the lowest caste are still regularly shunned, insulted, and oppressed. You may feel a tinge of superiority because you don't believe anyone's untouchable. Or do you?
Take a good look at how you feel about different groups of people. Bikers. Manual laborers. Teenagers. Panhandlers. The elderly. Unwed mothers. Immigrants. People with aids. The physically handicapped. People with tattoos and body piercings. Individuals with a different skin color, religion, or even gender. Who's on your personal list of "untouchables"?
Before you get to heaven, banish any internal caste system that's preventing you from opening your hands and your heart to others. Begin with prayer. Ask God to bring situations into your life that will allow you to get close enough to reach out and "touch" an untouchable. You may feel uncomfortable at first. You may even feel like a hypocrite, that your actions are not sincere. But the desire to do the right thing can be a genuine motivation for love. The more you put your love into action, the easier it will be to see how God has woven His image into each and every person, making it impossible for anyone to ever be an "untouchable."
5. Dance with Abandon-- Polka, samba, hip-hop, salsa, waltz… or just put on some music and get your body moving to the beat. Dancing is fun, freeing, and good for your health. While you can learn plenty of formal steps, simply getting into the habit of being able to respond to music in a physical way is something worth doing before you get to heaven. After all, there likely will be plenty of dancing there. In the same way that David danced before God to express his joy and gratitude (2 Sam. 6:14), you'll get your chance to dance with abandon before the Lord in heaven. Why not get into the habit here and now?
1. Give Away Something Valuable--If you had to evacuate your home and had one hour to pack your car with everything that was valuable to you (above and beyond your family, pets, and old tax returns!), what would you choose to save?
Sometimes, items are of value simply because of the wonderful memories they represent. On the other hand, some of the possessions that own a piece of your heart may be more tied up in self-centeredness than sentiment—that stereo system, that jewelry, that new car. It may even be the home that houses all of your prized possessions. The truth is, when you go to heaven, none of these things will be going with you. So why not start loosening your grip on them a little early?
You don't need to start big. Donate something to charity that's not broken or worn out. Give something to another family simply because they need it more than you do. God never said owning things was wrong. However, He did say it was harder for a rich man to get into heaven than for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle (Matt. 19:24). The less tightly you hold on to your possessions, the more contentment you'll have here on earth.
2. Reconnect with a Long-Lost Friend--If you misplaced a hundred-dollar bill, chances are you'd turn your home upside down to find it. But when friends get misplaced along the road of life, all too often their names are simply crossed off the Christmas list and relegated to conversations that begin with "I wonder what ever happened to…"
Don't let an address change or the passing of time erase someone from your life. Invest in future joy by reconnecting with people from your past. Conduct your own friendship "search and rescue" by typing a friend's name into your favorite Internet search engine. Call mutual friends and ask the "Do you know whatever happened to…?" question. Send a note to a friend's last known address, asking whoever currently lives there for help.
Once you think you've located your friend, drop him or her a note. Share a few favorite memories, a little about what's happened in your life since you last saw each other. Chances are, your friends will be as excited to reconnect with you as you are with them. What's more, your timing in tracking them down may be God's timing in meeting a need.
It takes time, energy, and love to make a friend. Don't squander that investment. And when friends do wind up "missing," don't wait until heaven to reconnect with them. Reach out now. True friends are treasures whose value increases with time.
3. Spend a Day Alone with God--Suppose God gives you 70 years to live on this earth? That means, before your departure to heaven, you would have 25,550 days to explore, enjoy, and make a difference in the world around you. Out of all those days of opportunity and adventure, dedicating a single day to spend totally focused on the One who gave you the gift of life itself seems like a small thing. And it is, especially in light of eternity.
4. Touch an Untouchable--In the Hindu caste system, some people in the society are viewed as "untouchable." These individuals are deemed intrinsically inferior from the womb to the grave. Although the caste system is now illegal in India, its practices are still widely accepted. Members of the lowest caste are still regularly shunned, insulted, and oppressed. You may feel a tinge of superiority because you don't believe anyone's untouchable. Or do you?
Take a good look at how you feel about different groups of people. Bikers. Manual laborers. Teenagers. Panhandlers. The elderly. Unwed mothers. Immigrants. People with aids. The physically handicapped. People with tattoos and body piercings. Individuals with a different skin color, religion, or even gender. Who's on your personal list of "untouchables"?
Before you get to heaven, banish any internal caste system that's preventing you from opening your hands and your heart to others. Begin with prayer. Ask God to bring situations into your life that will allow you to get close enough to reach out and "touch" an untouchable. You may feel uncomfortable at first. You may even feel like a hypocrite, that your actions are not sincere. But the desire to do the right thing can be a genuine motivation for love. The more you put your love into action, the easier it will be to see how God has woven His image into each and every person, making it impossible for anyone to ever be an "untouchable."
5. Dance with Abandon-- Polka, samba, hip-hop, salsa, waltz… or just put on some music and get your body moving to the beat. Dancing is fun, freeing, and good for your health. While you can learn plenty of formal steps, simply getting into the habit of being able to respond to music in a physical way is something worth doing before you get to heaven. After all, there likely will be plenty of dancing there. In the same way that David danced before God to express his joy and gratitude (2 Sam. 6:14), you'll get your chance to dance with abandon before the Lord in heaven. Why not get into the habit here and now?
At 1:25 AM ,
Michelle said...
I can attest to the fact that spending a day alone with God is the most awe inspiring thing on the planet! I think the dancing thing sounds fun and then perhaps the touching an "untouchable"...I would love to spend another day alone with God...Can I pick more than 1???
At 8:03 AM ,
laurajo said...
I have never spent a day alone with God. To be honest, when you are ADD, spending a whole day doing just one thing sounds impossible. But I do want to try it. I can't imagine the wonderful things that would happen as a result.
As far as the dancing goes, I've got that one down. And so does my beautiful daughter.
At 9:04 AM ,
KathyH said...
Yes, we can do all five! More than once!
At 9:22 PM ,
Annette said...
I want to do them all, too - how cool! Love, Annette I especially like the one about not letting friends go. I just reconnected with an old friend and it was precious. Especially godly ones.
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