Loving Thy Neighbor
This is so good that I wanted to post it for my friend Lisa, who is currently befriending one of her new neighbors.
Project analysis
by John Fischer (senior writer for Purpose-Driven Life daily devotionals)
I have been an evangelical Christian for a long time. I have been taught in evangelical institutions. We are not called “evangelicals” for nothing. That word means evangelism is a priority for us. We are always hearing how important it is to witness to those who don’t know Christ. And witnessing is OK, but actually leading someone to the Lord is the pinnacle of spiritual attainment. Good evangelicals are result-oriented.
It’s hard when you are schooled in this kind of thinking to not end up seeing non-Christians as projects. Their worth to you lies in the fact that they could be possible jewels in your crown. The more people you save, the more important you are to God, and the more confident you can be of your own salvation. Yes, I’m being pretty ruthless here, but I know all these thoughts and feelings all too well, and I am guessing I am not the only one.
Our evangelical mission in the world is very important. It is why we are here – why we aren’t all raptured as soon as we are saved. But I am learning that unless my name is Billy Graham, my role in evangelizing the world is more related to my lifestyle in the world – befriending and loving those around me who may not know Christ, and letting my witness be the natural outgrowth of what Christ means to me. I’m not a salesman. I’m not a missionary, spending two years of my life knocking on doors. I am a neighbor. A co-worker. A fellow student. A soccer dad. Ultimately, I am a friend, and my friendship is not measured by whether or not someone becomes a Christian, but on how loved and accepted they are by me.
I don’t go next door to witness. I go next door to borrow the lawn mower, which may lead to loaning something of mine in return, which may lead to finding something in common, which may lead to doing things together, which may lead to a friendship, which will undoubtedly end up in my being a witness, but that’s not the point. I’m not done when I witness. I’m called by Jesus to love my neighbor, and I’m never done doing that. People know it when they are seen as a project. People know it when you really don’t like being around them, you are just putting up with them so you can fulfill your witnessing obligation. I am learning to love people, to value who they are, regardless of their standing with God. And I’m pretty sure that’s how God feels about them, too. “He does not want anyone to perish, so he is giving more time for everyone to repent.” (2 Peter 3:9) Let’s focus today on loving and serving someone who doesn’t know Christ. Who knows, we might even be a witness in the process.
Keep up the good work, Lisa!
Project analysis
by John Fischer (senior writer for Purpose-Driven Life daily devotionals)
I have been an evangelical Christian for a long time. I have been taught in evangelical institutions. We are not called “evangelicals” for nothing. That word means evangelism is a priority for us. We are always hearing how important it is to witness to those who don’t know Christ. And witnessing is OK, but actually leading someone to the Lord is the pinnacle of spiritual attainment. Good evangelicals are result-oriented.
It’s hard when you are schooled in this kind of thinking to not end up seeing non-Christians as projects. Their worth to you lies in the fact that they could be possible jewels in your crown. The more people you save, the more important you are to God, and the more confident you can be of your own salvation. Yes, I’m being pretty ruthless here, but I know all these thoughts and feelings all too well, and I am guessing I am not the only one.
Our evangelical mission in the world is very important. It is why we are here – why we aren’t all raptured as soon as we are saved. But I am learning that unless my name is Billy Graham, my role in evangelizing the world is more related to my lifestyle in the world – befriending and loving those around me who may not know Christ, and letting my witness be the natural outgrowth of what Christ means to me. I’m not a salesman. I’m not a missionary, spending two years of my life knocking on doors. I am a neighbor. A co-worker. A fellow student. A soccer dad. Ultimately, I am a friend, and my friendship is not measured by whether or not someone becomes a Christian, but on how loved and accepted they are by me.
I don’t go next door to witness. I go next door to borrow the lawn mower, which may lead to loaning something of mine in return, which may lead to finding something in common, which may lead to doing things together, which may lead to a friendship, which will undoubtedly end up in my being a witness, but that’s not the point. I’m not done when I witness. I’m called by Jesus to love my neighbor, and I’m never done doing that. People know it when they are seen as a project. People know it when you really don’t like being around them, you are just putting up with them so you can fulfill your witnessing obligation. I am learning to love people, to value who they are, regardless of their standing with God. And I’m pretty sure that’s how God feels about them, too. “He does not want anyone to perish, so he is giving more time for everyone to repent.” (2 Peter 3:9) Let’s focus today on loving and serving someone who doesn’t know Christ. Who knows, we might even be a witness in the process.
Keep up the good work, Lisa!
At 9:04 PM ,
Annette said...
Wow -that is really good and I think very effective, too. My daughter, Emily just got home from Africa and even in her "missionary" position, she still loved the people, cared for them, gave them presents, did work for them and that really made a difference! I don't think we realize the impact we each make doing the little things - Annette
At 9:50 PM ,
laurajo said...
The best thing happened to me at last years graduation. One of my parents saw that I was wearing a cross and said, I knew you must have been a christian by the way you love on my child. I hope that other parents who are not believers will see the way that I love on their children and want to know how they can do the same. God blesses me every day by sending me to work with lots of love for His kids. That's how I get to witness.
Lisa, I am glad you have the initiative to make friends with your neighbors. They are lucky that you moved in next to them.
At 10:04 PM ,
Annette said...
Laurajo - what age do you teach and where? I will meet you at NOW - I am Kathy's friend from Leachville, AR - Hi, Summer!!!! Miss you!!!!
At 10:34 PM ,
KathyH said...
Yeah, and guess what, Annette--Dillon is back!
At 8:31 AM ,
Annette said...
Wow - I thought of him when we were in Tyler, but we get so busy just listening to all God is doing in Natalie's life - I didn't get a chance to call him. Cool!
At 11:08 AM ,
Me said...
I think it was St. Francis of Assissi that said: "Preach the Gospel...use words if neccessary" Is that spelled right? Oh well! And no, it's not St. Francis was a sissy.:)
At 11:17 AM ,
KathyH said...
That's a great quote, isn't it?
Is "Francis is a sissy" an old joke, like "What do you get when you drop the meat out of your hamburger on the beach? A Sandy Patty."
Donnie heard that in seminary 20-something years ago. I can't IMAGINE why I've remembered him telling me that all these years!
Funny I can remember THAT but I forgot to come back to sing with choir for the second service yesterday...
At 5:37 PM ,
laurajo said...
Annette, I teach 3-4 year olds in the ABC program at Child Development, Inc. in Clarksville.
It is the best thing to work with this age group because you dont every have to grow up.
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