Mother's Day Tribute

Some days it’s hard for me to walk down the hall at my church, First Baptist Clarksville, without someone stopping me to tell me what an interesting mother I have! She moved from Little Rock to Heritage Inn, a retirement complex in Clarksville, in December of 2006, and people here in Johnson County are still “discovering” her.
Although a widow, she seldom lived alone in Little Rock, because she shared her Broadmoor home with a succession of UALR international students and nursing students at Baptist Health. She was also the epitome of the Good Samaritan, opening her home to families of patients in Little Rock hospitals. She always made room for anyone in need, whether she knew them personally or I just called and told her they were coming!
Just as God used her gift of hospitality in Little Rock, He is using her musical gifts in Clarksville. This recent email to family gives a glimpse: “We had a jam session this afternoon. Jim brought his harmonicas, I played the piano, and several of the residents played tambourines and maracas that I had bought from e-Bay. It was a nice diversion.”
Liz Meek says, “Virginia came into Heritage Inn and was quick to notice that we had only one type of song books and the print was so small. She gathered some favorite songs from the women and printed them up on her computer. Later she bought us the most wonderful song books, Country & Western Gospel Hymnal, and also Heavenly Highway Hymns.”
Like many older people, she prefers the hymns and old-time gospel music of FBC’s traditional service. Yet Minister of Worship Mark Edington says, “She generously supports our praise team and band’s participation at the International Worship Institute in Texas, which equips us in leading modern worship music in our contemporary service.”
Although she is now a member of FBC, she still keeps strong ties with her former Little Rock church, Lakeshore Drive Baptist. Recently her brother took her back to visit. In an email to family, she said, “We got to the church about 15 minutes before service time, and there the folks were, full force, in the foyer waiting to greet us! (They had let out Sunday School early.) They had a good service, and the entire congregation was invited to go to lunch with us at Julie's restaurant. We had a good time visiting and eating.”
Cindy Boyles, Lakeshore’s pastor’s wife, says, “When she was here, she was our music resource, organist, photographer, album maker, choir member when we needed harmony, and an encourager to everyone.”
Whether on the computer, playing an instrument, visiting with old friends, or making new friends, she lives out Ecclesiates 9:10, “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might.” I’m proud of her and the example she has given me!
Mother was in the hospital recently with an atrial flutter and is now using oxygen. She's doing well, though, and yesterday she even played the piano again!