Kathy's Korner


Friday, December 25, 2009

Thanksgiving Revisited

Isn't this a great picture of Granny Hickey and Todd making mashed potatoes and gravy? Joe's mom can't cook like she used to, but she wanted to be in the kitchen helping Todd while he was working. I got to stay outside with the kids!

The boys loved playing around the hay bales.

Charlie wanted to be outside the entire time he was here for Thanksgiving.

Charlie is very affectionate and sweet, and he loved hugging on his cousin Lainey.

An Early Christmas

We celebrated Christmas early (the day after Thanksgiving!) with Charlie and his brothers, Shea and Taegan. Taegan decorated my little Christmas tree. We gave them each $50 and took them to Wal-Mart to buy their own presents. Charlie liked his Tonka truck, but he was obsessed with Joe's golf balls!

More Thanksgiving Photos

Lainey sat beside Jody at the weenie roast and said, "I love you. I'm going to be your friend forever." Jody went to Wal-Mart the next day and bought her some Christmas presents!

Drinking apple juice in my sunroom

It was so much fun having both of the babies (now age 2) at home for Thanksgiving!

The Christmas Card That Wasn't

So if I HAD sent out Christmas cards this year, this is the photo I would have used. (Todd could have photoshopped the shadow off Joe's face.) I was a little lazy this year.

Monday, December 14, 2009

December in Silver Dollar City

Annette and I always have a Christmas visit somewhere. This year we went to Silver Dollar City to see their production of "A Christmas Carol." It was a great day!

Monday, December 07, 2009

Thanksgiving Weinie Roast

We had a weinie roast in the backyard while Charlie and his brothers were here. The two boys in Lamar sweatshirts are Joe's brother's grandsons. The "big boys" had fun tromping in the woods and going down the driveway in a wagon. Charlie and Lainey joined them in playing with trucks in a dirt pile and visiting Granny Hickey's cats (and getting cookies from her). It was a great '"Country Thanksgiving!"