It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood
Lainey and Ginger came for church Sunday, and we were a little early, so Mr. Bob invited Lainey on a Bye Bye Buggy ride.
That's Trek Wagley beside her. She was very surprised when Trek came here for the afternoon! They played well after Lainey's initial reluctance to share her domain, but neither of them could fall asleep at naptime even though they were in separate bedrooms. They never got cranky after we let them get up, though!
The camera caught Lainey with her pants down! Potty training has begun!

One of the best things about having Annette as my BFF for the last 23 years is that whenever I'm going to do anything fun, she wants to go, too!
So I don't have to tell her all about it because she's there, too!
We had a great three nights in Dallas!
Wonder what we'll do next?
Unveiled Worship Institute 2009
Missing Lainey
Lainey went BACK to Branson with Todd's side of the family, but she's home now, and tomorrow she's going to come spend the night with us! I can't wait!