One more funny Lainey story
Wednesday Lainey was jumping on her Mommy and Daddy's bed (I'm not sure if she was supposed to be doing that), when all of a sudden she said, "Let's play hide and seek." So I started counting and she ran off. In a minute I started walking through the house looking for her and calling her name. I was in the hall on my way to her bedroom when I heard her muffled voice say, "I'm in the closet!" Maybe you had to be there, but it cracked me up!
Lainey Says the Cutest Things!
I keep thinking of cute things Lainey said when we were there Wednesday, and I decided to write some down so I won't forget them.*She doesn't always like to share her stuff. I was using her soft Elmo chair for a pillow when I was lying on the floor (this was after she decided she didn't want to share her pink pillow), and she said, "Go sit at the table--time out!" I told Ginger when she got home, and we laughed and laughed, and she told Lainey, "You can't put Grammy in time out!"*When we go in the bathroom, I sit on the big toilet and she sits in her potty chair, and we listen. When she hears a tinkle from me, she says, "Good job, Grammy!"*Her favorite phrase when something pleases her is, "Aww, that's so sweet!"*I asked her who she liked to play with at her little home day care, and she said, "My boyfriend." No cause for alarm, she has just gotten interested in identifying boys/girls lately. She knows I am a girl and Papaw is a boy.
It's so much fun spending a day with a very verbal 2-year-old!
Lainey At The Fun Factory
Could Charlie get any cuter?
Could he not become a Razorback fan?
My recovery from my Mystery Liver Ailment has been so slow that I wasn't able to go see Lainey until today, and that was TOO LONG. She's such a big girl that she can handle her own ice cream cone at McDonalds now!
Lainey's Birthday
Lainey's second birthday on Aug. 22 is a blur for me because I was still on pain medication from my hospitalization, but I remember a Dora cake and lots of balloons! Ginger and Todd took some cute videos of her, thank goodness!