The Christmas Card That Wasn't
So if I HAD sent out Christmas cards this year, this is the photo I would have used. (Todd could have photoshopped the shadow off Joe's face.) I was a little lazy this year.
December in Silver Dollar City
Annette and I always have a Christmas visit somewhere. This year we went to Silver Dollar City to see their production of "A Christmas Carol." It was a great day!
Thanksgiving Weinie Roast

We had a weinie roast in the backyard while Charlie and his brothers were here. The two boys in Lamar sweatshirts are Joe's brother's grandsons. The "big boys" had fun tromping in the woods and going down the driveway in a wagon. Charlie and Lainey joined them in playing with trucks in a dirt pile and visiting Granny Hickey's cats (and getting cookies from her). It was a great '"Country Thanksgiving!"