Sunday, June 27, 2010
Jody and his family were here from Denver for nine days! Jody and Shannon and I walked the Peach Festival 4-Miler, and Ginger and Todd came with Lainey for the parade. Then boys all attended VBS all week. Charlie was in my class, and Ginger and Lainey joined our class one day and went to Family Night with us. It was a great visit!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010

Charlie is starting to get really sneaky and gets in the fridge and gets whatever he wants when we aren't looking. Saturday he got out the Tabasco, thinking it was juice, and snuck it outside and took a drink. I felt sorry for him, but it was hilarious. He was crying, screaming, gagging, and retching! I couldn’t keep myself from laughing though. It was quite a sight. Hopefully he learned his lesson about “sneaking” treats.
In the morning, if he wakes up before us, he pulls a chair from the table and gets into the freezer, and even climbs up on the counter looking for sweets. He’s a crafty one. Whenever he gets caught, and I ask what he is doing, he says “what are YOU doing?”! He says a lot of cute things now. He calls Blues Clues “Cous Cous”, for example.
He goes to all of my softball games now, and is a hit with all the girls on the team. They all pass him around in the dugout. We went out for dinner after last weeks game, and there was a band playing. He loved it. He danced and danced for a solid two hours. He is a dancing machine.
We are all looking forward to our trip. We should get there early afternoon on Friday. I plan to leave early afternoon on Thursday, and probably stay somewhere in Kansas.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Lainey's Sleepover
Lainey had lots of fun here on her two-night sleepover! She really thinks she can swim in the country club's pool, so she kept telling me to "Let go!" She got a lot of pleasure from a $2 plastic ring she named Mr. Turtle, but she said the MOST fun she had was when Papaw played baby with her. She was the baby and Papaw was the Mommy. We went to Hardees one morning for breakfast and then stopped by the church, where this picture was taken.
She's excited that her cousin Charlie is coming from Denver soon!