Coverboy Joe

We took Joe's mom to Cabot today. We met Ginger and Todd at Colton's for lunch and then split up. Ginger and I took Granny to see her burned building and her trailer. She has lots of posters up, and it looks cute and cozy. Todd and Joe actually went shopping (for golf shoes). Then we went to their house for awhile. Todd, who is a designer, as you can see, has framed some of the photos Ginger took in London and Paris, and they look great! They're going to Italy next, so she'll get more. Jody may go with them, and possibly Tyler (Todd's daughter). Jody went to Australia awhile back. I don't know HOW my kids got to be such world travelers. It may be because my mother went to China when they were young, and she used to always tell them they could go anywhere they wanted to when they grew up.
Hope all my bloggerbuddies are having a nice weekend. Church will be awesome tomorrow! I emailed Darrell some scriptures God put on my heart this morning, and I told him I was a compulsive emailer and didn't ever expect a reply unless I asked a direct question (Mark knows the drill!), but he emailed back nonetheless. He'll learn! (Right, Mark?) I really AM a compulsive emailer, although now that I have a blog as an outlet, I've cut down a lot. Anyway, Darrell said: Hello Kathy, Thank you very much for the encouraging Scriptures. We are really wired for tomorrow. Our God is a Mighty God! I'm gathering up to travel now. See you! Darrell Bridges I'll be glad when the vote is over and he can settle in where he belongs. Not that God has spoken any kind of direct word to me about him. I just figure that if the elders think he's the guy, he's bound to be the one, considering all the prayer everyone has put into this....