Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
I've Got Writer's Block!

Aleah, come back tomorrow night, ok? (BTW, I knew you were witty and lots of fun, and the test proved it!)
I'm going to bed with a good book tonight. Tomorrow night I'll announce if my New Grandchild #1 is going to be a boy or a girl!
Monday, January 29, 2007
Here's the scoop on the test!

B (Playmate) is now Playful/Funny
C (Midwife) is now Nurturer/Giver
D (Hostess) is now Creative/Hostess
E (Therapist) is now Reflective/Intuitive
If you've read the other posts on this subject, I thought that Annette, my best friend of 21 years, would be Playful/Funny and Creative/Hostess, but she turned out to be Prayerful/Faith-filled and Reflective/Intuitive. The thing is, she moved away, and she has changed a lot in the last few years. She still knows how to have fun, but she's much deeper now!
And dear Spring, what can I say about you? You were all over the place! I've decided that you're extremely well-rounded or schizophrenic! Ha! Actually, it's not fair. It reminds me of how you have more than your share of creative gifts (songwriting, singing, painting, you name it.)
I now know who to turn to when I need faith-filled prayers--Tonja, Annette, or my California friend Sue! (I knew I wouldn't score well on that because I'm going through a phase where I'm not happy with my prayer life.)
I didn't know that Ashley Morgan is the life of the party sort (Playful/Funny AND Creative/Hostess)! I can see that she needs to room with Lisa, Spring, Stephanie and Laura at the Worship Institute, which I've been thinking she should anyway so that the whole praise team can be together. I know that makes 5 and you'll need a rollaway bed or something, but you young ones will have soooo much fun together! Laura has a lot of Ashley's Creative/Hostess in her, too, so I bet you two will come back fast friends!
Let's talk about Nurturers/Givers! Laura, Stephanie Marshall, Sandy Burkett, my friend in California, and I were high in that. I think all mommies are, but some of us overdo it and nurture the whole world. Ha! Actually, the adjectives "giver" and "servant" are two of my favorite words! Wasn't Jesus a servant/giver, after all?
Then there are the Reflective/Intuitive ones. That's me, Spring, Annette and Tonja. Let's face it, girls, we are just DEEP! Admittedly, we may OVERTHINK sometimes, but we're deep!
I hope to hear from others, but this is it for tonight! Thanks for playing, girlfriends!
Sunday, January 28, 2007

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Do you tend to be more:
a. prayerful and faith-filled
b. hilarious and playful
c. loyal and compassionate
d. creative and inviting
e. wise and perceptive
What television show are you most likely to watch?
a. Touched by an Angel
b. Last Comic Standing
c. A Hallmark made-for-TV movie
d. The Art of French Cooking with Julia Child
e. Dr. Phil
What holiday-related activity would you most enjoy?
a. encouraging your family to thank God on Thanksgiving
b. spraying Silly String everywhere for someone's birthday
c. delivering homemade cards to the senior center on Valentine's Day
d. baking 10 varieties of Christmas cookies for friends and family
e. reflecting on the past year and setting new goals for the new
At a party, do you:
a. gently redirect gossipy conversations
b. show up in costume
c. help remove a punch stain from a friend's dress
d. bring hand-dipped candles as a hostess gift
e. break out the minibook "If … ": Questions for the Game of Life
How might you spend a Saturday afternoon?
a. calling your prayer chain
b. doing a high-ropes course with a friend
c. serving at a soup kitchen
d. planning the neighborhood block party
e. writing in your journal
What might your friends say about you?
a. "She sees me through God's eyes."
b. "She makes me laugh so hard I pee my pants."
c. "When I feel bad, she cries too."
d. "I'm at home when I'm with her."
e. "She knows me better than I know myself."
What might you be overheard saying?
a. "How can I pray for you?"
b. "Why did the chicken cross the road?"
c. "You go, girl!"
d. "Can I borrow your bundt pan?"
e. "Now, the tornado in your dream means … "
If you were a children's book, what would your title be?
a. The Velveteen Rabbit
b. Cat in the Hat
c. The Giving Tree
d. Little House on the Prairie
e. The Secret Garden
Which famous person is most like you?
a. Beth Moore
b. Lucille Ball
c. Lady Di
d. Martha Stewart
e. Ann Landers
What's your motto?
a. It is well with my soul.
b. Laughter is the best medicine.
c. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
d. Home is where the heart is.
e. Those who seek will find.
TALLY YOUR ANSWERS (how many a, b, c, d, e answers you marked). YOUR FRIENDSHIP STYLE IS BASED ON YOUR TWO HIGHEST SCORES. I came out as a midwife therapist! What are YOU?
a. Soul Sister. You're prayerful and faith-filled. You avoid coming off as "holier than thou" because you're transparent about your life. Friends come to you for spiritual guidance and prayer, knowing your concern for them is rooted in God's love. At times you may grow weary of always being the anchor in your circle of friends. They're blessed by your spirit of strength.
b. Playmate. You spark up any gathering with your witty comments and prankster personality. Because you're sensitive, it may be hard for you to trust others with deep feelings. The way you help others play is a gift. You truly understand laughter is the best medicine.
c. Midwife. (I marked 4 "C"answers, so this is one of mine.) Others feel comfortable coming to you when they need a helping hand or a shoulder to cry on. Patience and understanding come naturally to you. You're sentimental and sincere. At times you may feel depleted because you give so freely. You have the heart of a servant and nurture those in need.
d. Hostess. You know how to celebrate your friends and create new traditions with them. You have a gift for seeing how ordinary things can reflect spiritual realities. It can be easy for you to get stuck in high gear, unable to find some solitude. Friends appreciate your creativity, and often look to you to coordinate the next meaningful party.
e. Therapist. (I marked 5 "E" answers, so this is my highest.) People cherish your perspective on life and love, and often come to you for advice. Friends may need to remind you of your tendency to overanalyze. Journaling, reading, and reflecting help strengthen your gifts of wisdom and intuition. Your friends benefit because you often know them better than they know themselves.
Credit for this test goes to Today's Christian Woman online magazine.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Please pray!

Thursday, January 25, 2007
Love times six!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

So moving on, the most fun I had today was playing Chutes and Ladders! Emily won the first game and Samantha won the second game, so we quit while both were happy! I get to put them to bed tonight, too! It is such a delight to have sweet little girls in my life again!! I hope at least one of my grandbabies is a girl!
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Monday, January 22, 2007
Romans 8:28

Sunday, January 21, 2007
On Being a Drama Queen

"And to do that before God is a waste of time. So I'm trying, instead of shaming or pretending, to come to terms with my emotions, and bring them before God honestly. I have come to realize that I'm never going to stop having emotions, and probably strong emotions, because that is the way I'm wired. I'm emotionally rich. I have a large emotional bank account from which to make withdrawals. I must, however, learn to live rightly in the midst of my fluctuating emotions, and I believe that God can teach me to do this."
That's me! I have a large emotional bank account, too, and while I don't want to pretend to be happy when I'm going through something painful, I don't want to be a Drama Queen either!
Saturday, January 20, 2007
5 Values Sports Can Teach Us

Be prepared. Athletes learn quickly that physical and mental preparation is critical to their success. Memorizing the playbook, practicing plays, lifting weights, and studying films are all part of a player's training. Likewise, preparation in spiritual disciplines is important to the unique impact we make for Christ and the level of joy we find on the journey. "... be prepared in season and out of season." (2 Timothy 4:2 NIV) This instruction from Paul refers to our readiness to share God's Word. 1 Peter 3:15 tells us to "always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have." (NIV) Based on these two verses alone, we can see that preparation is essential to the game plan God has for us. Everyday you suit up to play the game of life. You have a role to fulfill and lives to touch. How do you prepare? Do you pray, fast, keep a journal, confess sin, meet with an accountability partner, or enjoy a Bible study? How would you answer if you asked yourself each morning, "Am I prepared to respond in obedience when God calls on me to make a play?"
Persevere. "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." (Hebrews 12:1 NIV) Watch a great running back carry the ball. He twists and turns, ducks and dives. Often he is thrown off course and tackled. Other times he strips free from the attempts to stop him and scores. Before each play, he huddles with his captain to find out what he is expected to do next. That is perseverance. Twisting, turning, ducking, falling, does this sound like your life? Ann Platz says that she perseveres by viewing roadblocks as times of refreshment and joy. "I finally figured out that roadblocks are often God's test of our character; other times they are just life or the enemy's plan to use discouragement to halt our journey of spiritual growth. I am convinced that obstacles can become incredible doors of opportunities to those who choose to pray their way through them." When there are roadblocks in your life - circumstances or people who bring you down - how do you respond? Do you stop, turn around, and run the other way? Or do you press on, gain wise counsel, and stay focused on God and the path he has just for you?
Practice self-control. A professional athlete's workout regimen requires discipline and self-control in order for him/her to stay in the game. All of them know that regular training and practice is essential to success. Their incentive to live disciplined lives is found in the pay-off of victory. As Christians, we have incentives, too. "Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever." (1 Corinthians 9:24 NIV) The words 'strict training' in this verse imply self-control. Galatians 5:22 tells us that self-control is a fruit of the Spirit. It is fundamental to Christian life. As we respond to the challenges set before us in a spirit of self-control, Jesus is revealed. Football players win games through self-control, and Christians win the delight of our Lord - decidedly, the more preferable of the two.
Use your talent. John Wooden, the legendary coach of the UCLA Bruins, says this about talent, "No matter how you total success in the coaching profession, it all comes down to a single factor - talent." In the book, First, Break All the Rules, the authors, in an effort to dispel a major fallacy among managers, declare that one cannot teach talent; one can only hire those with talent. From a Christian perspective, this makes perfect sense. What these authors seem to imply, knowingly or not, is that talents are predetermined within us. They cannot be taught because talents are given. "We have different gifts, according to the grace given us." (Romans 12:6 NIV) The Great Giver of Grace has blessed each of us with the specific gifts and talents we need to live out his plan for our lives. Just as a coach knows his players and their talents, God is aware of every single one of your talents and skills. The question is this: Are you aware of your talents, and are you using them?
Focus. In sports, focus is placed on the outcome, the excitement, and often on a "player of the game" - a hero. The joy the athletes and fans feel as they focus on these things is temporary, lasting only until the next challenge, the next big game. In Christian life, focus is also placed on the outcome, which is life everlasting; it is on the excitement of the purposes God has given us; it is on our hero and savior (our Lord God Almighty). True joy is not based on our circumstances. It is based on our acknowledgment of what Jesus has done for us. Unlike the temporary joy of winning a game, the Christian life reaps everlasting benefits.
Preparation, perseverance, self-control, using our talents, and focusing on God are all important pieces of our Christian life. If we look closely, we may find these practices exemplified in our favorite athletes as they compete. Then, when asked if there is anything good about sports anymore, we may answer with a resounding, "Yes!"
Friday, January 19, 2007
What's Your Worship Style?

Anyway, it's supposed to identify whether your preferred worship style that of a Naturalist, Sensate, Traditionalist, Ascetic, Activist, Caregiver, Enthusiast, Contemplative, or Intellectual.
Here are my scores with their descriptions:
14 Naturalist: Naturalists Draw near to God through nature.
17 Sensate: Sensates draw near to God through the senses.
12 Traditionalist: Traditionalists draw near to God through ritual and symbol.
18 Ascetics: Ascetics draw near to God through solitude and simplicity.
12 Activists: Activists draw near to God through bringing about social change.
13 Caregiver: Caregivers draw near to God through caring for and serving others.
22 Enthusiast: Enthusiasts draw near to God through celebration and mystery.
22 Contemplative: Contemplatives draw near to God through personal adoration and heartfelt devotion.
15 Intellectual: Intellectuals draw near to God through their minds.
What are you? Take the test at (Jan. 16 entry) and let me know!
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Thursday, January 18, 2007
Another pearly gates joke

Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Just A Joke

A man arrives at the Pearly Gates, waiting to be admitted. St. Peter is reading through the Big Book to see if the fellow's name is written in it. After several minutes, St. Peter closes the book, furrows his brow, and says,
"I'm sorry, I don't see your name written in the Book."
"How current is your copy?" he asks.
"I get a download every ten minutes," St. Peter replies, "why do you ask?"
"I'm embarrassed to admit it, but I was always the stubborn type. It was not until my death was imminent that I cried out to God, so my name probably hasn't arrived to your copy yet."
"I'm glad to hear that," St. Peter says, "but while we're waiting for the update to come through, can tell me about a really good deed that you did in your life?"
The guys thinks for a moment and says, "Hmm, well there was this one time when I was driving down a road and I saw a big gang harassing this poor girl. I slowed down, and sure enough, there they were, about 20 of 'em torturing this poor woman. Infuriated, I got out my car, grabbed a tire iron out of my trunk, and walked up to the leader of the gang. He was a huge guy; 6-foot-6, 280 pounds, with a studded leather jacket and a chain running from his nose to his ears. As I walked up to the leader, they formed a circle around me and told me to get lost or I'd be next."
"So I ripped the leader's chain out of his face and smashed him over the head with the tire iron. Then I turned around and yelled to the rest of them, "Leave this poor innocent girl alone! You're all a bunch of SICK, deranged animals! Go home before I really teach you a lesson in PAIN!"
St. Peter, duly impressed, says "Wow! When did this happen?"
"About three minutes ago."
Having more computer problems, so don't be surprised if I can't blog much for awhile, friends.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Speaking of fire...

Spring is analyzing the problem, and Annette is reacting emotionally. (Annette, I think maybe the answer is "Avoid polyester.") LOVE YA BOTH!!
I heard a good story about fire today. A gunman is going to execute three guys. When the gun is pointed at the first guy, he points behind the gunman and yells "Tornado" and the gunman turns around to look, and the guy jumps over the wall and escapes. When it's the second one's turn, he yells "Flood" and the gunman turns around to look, and he jumps over the wall. The third guy decides he'd better think up some natural disaster, too, so he yells "Fire," and the gunman does.
Monday, January 15, 2007
Another quirky news item

A cell phone apparently ignited in a man's pocket and started a fire that burned his hotel room and caused severe burns over half his body, fire department officials said.
Luis Picaso, 59, was in stable condition Monday with second- and third-degree burns to his upper body, back, right arm and right leg, Vallejo Fire Department assistant chief Kurt Henke said.
Firefighters arrived at the residential hotel Saturday night to find Picaso lying on the bathroom floor after a malfunctioning cell phone in his pants pocket set fire to his nylon and polyester clothes, Henke said.
No comment.
My DH and Too Much Wee (Unrelated)

I'm glad, because two of my sweet mentees had emailed me for special prayer. I'm late, girlfriends, but I'm all over it now!
January 15th,20072:42 pm
It’s sad that this woman died. However, this goes to a deeper problem in our society — materialism. The mother obviously had a problem telling her children the truth that she cannot afford the Wii; however, I am sure that she did not receive any support from her husband and did not want to anger her children so instead of holding her ground and stating the obvious that she cannot afford it she killed herself trying to make her family happy. I also bet that this game was for her husband as well as her children. It’s a shame that parents cannot hold their ground and act like adults and say NO! If she did, she would not have participated in such a dumb stunt. Now saying that, I believe that the station should provide some monetary relief, but not much because in my opinion it was everyone’s fault in this case: the radio station, the family and the mothers’.
— Posted by poster
I think that on top of any lawsuit, the Radio Station should give her family a Wii as a symbolic gesture. It’s a silly thing to give your life for, but that’s what she ended up doing–it would be sad to see one of her last wishes not held up.
— Posted by AirwalkerY2K
What’s the matter with you people, was NASSCAR held responsible when Earnhardt crashed?? No, because he knew of the risks and dangers of his choices. Why are other people being held accountable for the choices of those who choose to be so naïve? Each person is responsible for their own actions. Including educating ones self about the consequences of their choices. Wake up world and be accountable for your own life instead blaming everyone and everything else.
— Posted by Utopian Synergy
QUICK! Everyone call your Congressman and Senator and flood President Bush with emails! We need a new government program to protect us all from Big Water because some people do stupid things and do not understand that consuming too much of ANY substance from water to oxygen is unhealthy.
It is time to bring Big Water to its knees and demand warning labels and obscene taxes on every gallon of water sold to help fund new programs to educate people about the danger!
— Posted by J.J. Jackson
Sunday, January 14, 2007
A Rainy But Nice Sunday

Saturday, January 13, 2007
Welcome Home, Shawn

Have you been following the discovery of the kid in Missouri who was kidnapped at age 11? He's 15 now, and looks happy to be home, doesn't he? I know this will give new hope to Colleen Nick, who has never given up hope of finding Morgan. It's hard to imagine why the kid STAYED, but Joe said all the kidnapper would have to do was threaten to kill his family, which makes sense. Anyway, I'm so happy for his mother!!
Friday, January 12, 2007
Thursday, January 11, 2007

Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Light at the end of the tunnel

I whined yesterday for nothing! As it turns out, I can still do the things I want to do if I'll do them in the afternoons instead of the mornings unless I have a clear word from God about it. Mornings are prime time, and prime time is God's time!
I DID go back to BSF today, and it was wonderful! I felt like I was HOME again! I didn't expect to feel that way because it has been many years since I attended it. Oddly enough, the lecture was mostly about suffering, and I didn't relate to it at all! Usually suffering is my favorite teaching, but now that I'm the happiest I've been in YEARS, it didn't apply to me!
I repent of my whining yesterday. Life is very, very good! Gotta get the T-shirt!
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Today I got schooled!

Today I enrolled in a new school, "The School of the Feet." I've known for some time that one of the primary reasons I was retiring was in order to sit at the feet of Jesus and learn from him. I knew God was calling me to do more intercessory prayer than I've ever done in my life, and that will require more time worshiping and listening and learning from him than I've ever done in my life.
The problem was, I had plans today. GOOD plans, not bad plans. But MY plans. He said "no" and I was crushed. I was exactly like a spoiled child who whines about having to go to school.
Of course, the day turned out to be wonderful. I'm still a little sad I missed out on the other plan, but God blessed THIS, and he would not have blessed a plan that wasn't his perfect will.
It's funny how I've always understood that my money wasn't my own, but somehow I thought my time WAS. That's my big lesson for the day. My time is no more mine than my money is. It seems harder to give him my time than my money, but that's one of the things I'll learn in my new school. Today was a pop test and I almost failed it, but I'm new in school and I'll learn!
Monday, January 08, 2007
Skipping to #1

The only thing scarier than Ronald or Mister Softee is Burger King's 'King'. As if to underscore the King's inherent creep-factor, Burger King even sells King masks online for Halloween. Do you really want to wake up to this guy? DO YOU!?!?
dave said:
Yeah that big headed King totally gives me the heeby-jeebies. And I seriously had weird dreams after seeing that Quizno's rat-thing.
karl said:
What a terrible post...pretty sure the 'King' is the most rockin' mascot ever invented. A figure of royalty, wearing a BK Crown and shades who has his own video game. You can't get much cooler than that
JAB said:
The first time I saw the "Waking up with the King" spot I flashbacked to some of Norm MacDonald's stand-up. I just thought to myself, "The King is going to rape this guy!"
Rhilly said:
I thought Burger King's french fry ads were creepy when Mr Potato Head was the character involved.
sirloinj said:
have you seen any of the spoofs on the net with the king?? long live the king....and the quisnos things....those are what we call, a sponge monkey. this is classic stuff here....i hate the noid...i dont' want to avoid him, i want him dead
xoxoxox said:
these guys are so so creepy, i swear if i ever saw that burger king guy outside of my window, i would cry. he is just so SCARY!!!
Hugh said:
The creepy part is Old King would twist his ring and reveal a secret room in the back of the BK that only children and himself could enter.....
shope said:
Grimace is a tastebud! And he's named that because you'd grimace when he stole your milkshake. Definitely bizarre.
beckletts said:
Clearly many of you don't appreciate the utter brilliance of the King... while his constant sneaking around can be seen as rather creepy, there isn't a person around that wouldn't know who you were talking about if you mentioned "the king"... Great commercials Burger King!!!!
SlimRuleS said:
speaking for myself i like the king
desertdragon said:
I'm not touching any food whose producers think they need a freaking (literally) mascot to try to convince me to eat it. I liked the post - all of the above mentioned entities totally creep me out.
brucegrillmster said:
The "King" is as creepy an icon as I have seen on TV in years! I don't eat much fast food, but I DO NOT go to Burger King since this guy came out.
Spending my time like I want to!

Sunday, January 07, 2007
A Sacrifice of Praise

When Spring led worship this morning, she talked about several things it could mean when the Bible talks about giving a sacrifice of praise. I went away thinking, "Gee, I've never sacrificed anything." She mentioned stuff like giving money and time, but those things aren't sacrifices to me, and I was kinda bummed out wondering if I had ever really made a sacrifice of praise to God.
Then I started thinking and decided that a sacrifice of praise could be when your heart is broken, yet you choose to stand and praise God anyway. When my family and I lit the Advent candle on Christmas Eve 2001, it was a sacrifice of praise to stand and say I trusted God and worshipped him when I was in deep grief over losing Madeline. It was a "Though he slays me, yet will I trust him" moment, a "He gives and takes away, blessed be the name of the Lord" moment.
At that time, I really related to the struggle that most of the book of Job recounted. But now, praise God, I'm moving ahead to the END of the book, the part where God gave him MORE than he had lost!
I have a dream. I know it would have to be a God-thing, because there are a lot of factors involved, so I haven't got my heart set on it or anything. But here it is. It would be so cool if Joe and I could light the candle again next Christmas, each of us holding one of our new grandbabies! OK, I know it sounds like a sappy Hallmark movie ending. But still, wouldn't it be cool?
Saturday, January 06, 2007

It's like Hannibal Lector is sporting the Oompa Loompa hairdo (at least in this pic). I dunno, when I'm eating Chicken out of a bucket I really don't want some old guy with a goatee grinning back at me. Which makes me wonder, why aren't there more female fast food icons? Where's the Colonelette?
I had another nice day! I think I made my last trip to Hobby Lobby! I'll be finished with Mother's apartment as soon as I get Mark and/or Lisa to give me some advice on where to hang the new stuff on the walls. Joe can drive the nails, we just don't know where to PUT them, since neither of us has the decorator gene.
I also walked about an hour at Bona Dea. It was a great day for a nature walk! I made a commitment with my Dr. Nick buddies (the January Zero Tolerance Challenge) to exercise 6 days a week. My weight stayed the same this week, and I probably would have gained without the exercise because my eating was pretty sloppy due to lack of focus. I've exercised the last 6 days in a row, so I get tomorrow off, which is good because I seem to be coming down with some kind of gunky thing.
It has been a great week, and tomorrow is Sunday--yea!
Friday, January 05, 2007
A Fun Friday!
I LOVE being retired! Fun things I did today:
l. Stayed in bed late this morning drinking coffee and reading my new Daily Message Bible. Finished Genesis and got into Mark. Ginger got me a cool wooden lap thing, so I had basically a whole desk in bed with me!
2. Joe took me to Lamar and dropped me off and I wogged (walked and jogged) home (3 miles on back roads). Set my Nano to "Running Music" and thoroughly enjoyed it!
3. Picked up my mother at Heritage and took her with me to pick up Samantha from school. Went to Sonic and got drinks with 4 cherries!
4. Saw a WII (pronounced "Wee") at the E's house for the first time! Watched Emily do boxing and Samantha do bowling. Stayed a loooong time because it's so much fun over there!
5. Joe and I went to a surprise party Ann planned for Ross McCarley's 65th birthday at the Catfish House with Hardees guys and wives (Bob Hurley, Paul Castleman, Dean Pitts, Mo Pitts, Don Cowell).
And tomorrow is Saturday all over again! I LOVE BEING RETIRED!

#7: Grimace
Dear McDonalds, what exactly is this Grimace creature you have spawned? Is he a mutated prune? A malformed mushroom? Is he an obese American fast food consumer whose skin took on an unearthly hue after consuming one too many Happy Meals? Either way, the last thing I need to think about when I'm eating a 1000 calorie cheeseburger is some overweight muppet. Did you know Grimace originally had 4 arms and a penchant for stealing milkshakes? He also had an equally hideous green uncle, Uncle O'Grimacey (as if one wasn't enough).
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Happy Rainy Thursday!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Happy Wednesday!

I leave you with the Dominos Noid!
#9 in the list of the 10 creepiest fast food mascots: The Dominos Noid
A fixture of the Dominos Pizza commercials from the 80s and 90s, the Noid was a small goblin-like humanoid with rabbit ears dressed in a tight red latex suit that communicated via a series of chortles and grunts. Tell me that ain't creepy.Need more evidence? The animated Noid in the TV commercials was bad enough. But adults dressing up as the Noid for Halloween and, more recently, 80s parties? Oh the humanity!
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Fast Food Mascots

I don't eat much fast food anymore. Maybe it's because I read Fast Food Nation a few years back and that scared me off the chalupas and whoppers. Or it could be because the doctor told me to watch my fat intake and ease off the fried foods. When I really think about it though, those excuses are kinda lame. I think that the real reason I don't eat fast food is because fast food restaurants are doing their damndest to scare us away from their restaurants. I mean look at the weirdos they have peddling their food. Scary clowns? Creepy old men? Purple blobs? The fast food companies been subjecting us to these creeps for years, but recently the situation has become unbearable. So without further ado, I present to you my list of the 10 creepiest fast food mascots [note: I'm limiting the list to characters peddling goods for fast food outlets - I realize that the Kool Aid Man and Count Chocula are also disturbing, but that's for another list]:
#10: The Quiznos Rat/Hamster ThingWho thought selling fresh, healthy sandwiches alongside a mangy deranged rodent was a good idea? The last thing I want to think about when I'm eating food is some bubonic plague carrying, disease-ridden rat. At least Subway had the decency to saddle us with Jared Fogle.
More to come in days ahead!